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Everything posted by jje

  1. This is a very rare occasion that occurred in the last few hours. I'm currently trying to investigate now, if Stevie will let me in the admin backend (very slow). Someone might be causing lots of abuse...
  2. jje

    Account Queued on Stevie

    It appears Stevie has been down for a few hours, not sure why. Now he is online but with an incredibly high server load.
  3. jje

    Account Queued on Stevie

    Hi, As we say on the signup script, it takes up to 24 hours for your account to create and up to 24 additional hours for your site to show. According to our information, your account has been created but the domain has not been setup yet. Please wait an additional 24 hours. Thank you
  4. jje

    Account Queued on Stevie

    Please clear you internet cache if you still see the queued page.
  5. Your welcome Please spare a few minutes to take our brief survey: http://feedback.heliohost.org/ Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.
  6. jje


    Hello; You got the nameservers a bit wrong. Here are the correct ones ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org There is no ns3 or ns4, just ns1 and ns2. Also, I haven't heard of max_questions in MySQL. If that's a table name, you'll need to manually create a table; search Google for 'MySQL Create Table'
  7. Glad your problem got solved! Please spare a few minutes to take our brief survey: http://feedback.heliohost.org/ Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.
  8. Yep, the issue has been fixed. I managed the run the script after Stevie started annoying me with errors.
  9. Uh oh, it appears your account was deleted for inactivity Please feel free to create a new account, where you can restore any backups that you may have.
  10. Yeah, just ran the script and everything worked fine. That was after Stevie was annoying and wouldn't let me run it Luckily I live in the UK, and it's 4pm here.
  11. This issue has been resolved. If you still see the queued page please clear your internet cache.
  12. Hello It has come to our attention that all sites on Stevie are currently showing the queued page. We will attempt to fix this matter as soon as possible, but in the meantime please do not create any more topics on the matter. For updates related to the matter, please follow us on Twitter @HelioHost. Thank you UPDATE [8AM PDT] - According to the data I have in front of me, Stevie is in no fit state for me to run the script at this time. I will update you further as soon as I get it. UPDATE [8:40AM PDT] - Looks like Stevie is all ready to go. The script is running now, this usually takes around 20 minutes. UPDATE [9AM PDT] These issues has been resolved
  13. Hello Yes we are aware of the issues and are trying to solve them as soon as we can. For updates please follow our Twitter feed and look at the latest news topic.
  14. Hello Yes we are aware of the issues and are trying to solve them as soon as we can. For updates please follow our Twitter feed and look at the latest news topic.
  15. Hello Yes we are aware of the issues and are trying to solve them as soon as we can. For updates please follow our Twitter feed and look at the latest news topic.
  16. /var/ is now 8.5/10 GB according to Piotr's Disk Space Monitor. However, /usr/ is 9.5/10 GB.
  17. We can't solve these issues at this time. Please read the latest news topic for more information on this issue.
  18. Please read the latest news topic for information about Suspended accounts. Thank you
  19. Please refer to your escalated topic that is already open. You posted this issue there too.
  20. jje

    Heliomobile Beta

    Well, the wiki.heliohost.org is related with the service of HelioHost, not the projects that we create. Since the source code and issues are held on Github, we thought it might be a good idea to keep the wiki articles on our Helio projects all in one place instead of burying them within the wiki.heliohost.org articles
  21. If you are connecting from within our servers, then it is 'localhost'. If you are connecting remotely, it is either 'stevie.heliohost.org' OR 'johnny.heliohost.org' depending on your server, plus extra setup is required that is outlined in the wiki article. http://wiki.helionet.org/MySQL_Databases
  22. Have you configured SSL from within your cPanel?
  23. Your welcome djbob should be able to fix this as soon as possible A news topic has been created with this issue.
  24. Please read the latest news topic for more information on this issue.
  25. Unfortunately we're having some problems with the ACP meaning that we cannot solve Suspended requests at this time. Therefore, we have temporarily locked the Suspended & Queued Requests forum as we can't answer them at this time. We have an escalated request open with djbob who may be able to solve this issue. Please read this topic for more information: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=10420
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