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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. To add to this, not only will it be useful for upgrades, but we commonly get requests for stuff that’s already installed too. Having a full list that users can refer to would help cut down on these.
  2. Oh that error. When you say collapsing, I though you meant it was down entirely. That session expiration error message is generally due to your IP address changing too often. It’s caused by your internet provider. You’ll need to complain to your provider and see if they can make your IP change less often (or even better, give you a static one). Otherwise you’ll need to use a proxy or vpn to access our services.
  3. I agree...the modules (or at least common ones anyway) really shouldve been reinstalled as part of the upgrade. Making everyone re-request these is a bit silly. Bailey makes a good point. Someone requests it, tries a script out, decides they dont need it, then it wastes space on our server for the rest of time. Many modules are quite small though, so I suspect this disk space use may be insignificant...
  4. You can’t. The most you can do put an htaccess or script I n there to redirect the user or block access to the main domain. For instance, my main site is www.raxsoft.com/raxccm/ for this exact reason, and a script redirects users into the folder when they visit www.raxsoft.com. An account’s main domain always points to public_html.
  5. Of course you can, but you won't want to. Once you use Ricky or Tommy, you'll realize how bad Johnny really is. The difference is night and day. Things actually work like you'd expect over there Ricky signups are currently open, so you should be able to do it without donating tonight assuming Johnny deletes your account before the server fills up. Also, I've renamed your forum account for you so you can reuse your username. http://wiki.helionet.org/Moving_your_account
  6. These are failing creation because of the domain. 19:26:25 (XID xwxrm5) The domain hrce.tk already exists in the Apache configuration.
  7. The cPanel should start working immediately, but it can take up to 24 hours for the suspended page to go away on the website. Usually it clears faster than that. (Apache has to restart for the page to clear, that happens when load is low, hence the wait, it happens at least once a day, usually more than that).
  8. Unsuspensions on Johnny can take up to 24 hours to fully process. As for getting suspended to start with, you need to log into cPanel specifically. FTP, traffic to your site, SQL, etc. don't count for inactivity tracking. We recommend using https://heliohost.org/login/, then clicking "Go to cPanel" to make sure you're using the right link too. There are a few links to cPanel that won't track your activity (specifically, any link ending in .html)
  9. Since you seem to be liking the postgres servers here, have you considered moving to Tommy? You'd get better performance on your queries. (http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/) This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  10. Django actually is up to version 1.11.7 now... Escalating.
  11. It sounds like a network or computer problem on your end. Tommy is working fine for everyone else. You're using the account nadeem12, correct?
  12. Tommy is not down. Johnny is down though. I'm not sure what's causing that, but it is Johnny...we don't make any guarantees for Johnny's uptime. It's an experimental server, so breaking, going down, and being abused is considered normal. Johnny shouldn't really impact you anyway since you're on Tommy. http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/
  13. I've resent the invite to the address on your forum profile so you can try again. For what it's worth, I've seen Krydos and Byron unarchive a lot of accounts, and this is the first time that I can recall seeing an account that won't unarchive.
  14. No data limits or anything. The traffic is limited to common ports though, so make sure you’re using something like 80,443, or 8080 if you make outbound connections to a remote server.
  15. Unblocked. It was blocked for failed IMAP logins. Do you have an old password saved in a mail client somewhere?
  16. That account is suspended for Phishing. For security reasons, phishing accounts cannot be unsuspended, backed up, or deleted. You will need to create a new account and restore any backup you may have. Please be aware that you will not be able to reuse any domains on your suspended account, and will need to pick a new username. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
  17. You can only have one something.heliohost.org domain. Changing your domain replaces the old one with the new one. If you want to keep promotall.heliohost.org, you can't have dropprob.heliohost.org too. You can use the same script to change it back if you want.
  18. The new domain is working for me. I see a directory listing of your files. Please clear your cache.
  19. Krydos wasn't around much yesterday. He'll see this when he is next online. Escalating.
  20. Your IP is not blocked. If it was, you would always time out, and refreshing would not help. Similarly, cPanel would also not function for you if you were blocked. The fact you can refresh and get it to work eliminates our firewall as the cause. Please remove cloudflare by setting your domain's nameservers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org, wait a few hours, and try it again. For testing, we ask that you remove CloudFlare since we're unable to control what CF does to a website or its DNS. Though CF (when properly configured) doesn't usually cause many problems, I've seen a few cases where it breaks things in weird ways. By removing it, we can confirm that the issue is actually on our end before we dig into it further.
  21. Krydos, is there something wrong with the insecure login on Johnny? It gives a 404 error. http://cpanel.johnny.heliohost.org/login/
  22. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  23. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
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