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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. The account pdfx and the domains soda.tk and pdfx.heliohost.org have been cleaned up.
  2. I unsuspended it again, but it might get resuspended for mail... It won't even stay unsuspended due to the mail. Krydos needs to look at it.
  3. It got suspended for emails again. I'll let Krydos look at this since something is definitely still sending mail. You're already over your limit, so any email (even mail from your website e.g. a contact form) is going to result in a suspension until the counter resets (in 24 hours) or the limit is raised. He's the one who would handle the limit increase too.
  4. They usually do get sent, but no guarantees. And yes, you were suspended for sending too many emails. The limit is 50/day. If you want more, that can be done upon request. If you're interested, I would need to know: How many emails you plan to send per day, where you get the email addresses from, how recipients can unsubscribe, and an example of the messages being sent. Please note that we will not approve limit increases for advertising use. Unsuspended.
  5. This is already installed. https://krydos1.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules36.py
  6. Considering it deployed when Krydos did it, it was probably a deployment script malfunctioning as opposed to bad code.
  7. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should be working again.
  8. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache. If you need help figuring out why your site is causing such high load let us know and we can try to help. If the high load is simply because your site is getting a lot of traffic you might consider trying paid hosting from our partner starting at only a cent for the first month. https://www.heliohost.org/partners/hostgator
  9. Use plain unencrypted FTP, or SFTP. If you use FTPS (FTP over tls) you'll get that error. We don't support FTPS.
  10. Have you tried using the cPanel reset instead of the one on our website? https://ricky.heliohost.org:2083/resetpass?start=1
  11. Johnny failed a while back, so your account (and everyone else's who was on Johnny...) no longer exists. The cpanel you're seeing is actually the one for an incomplete rebuild of Johnny. Please see the News forum for more information. The contents of your account can be downloaded from https://heliohost.org/backup/ . You will need to sign up again to continue hosting with us. Please be advised that the Johnny repairs are not yet finished, so your only choices right now are the limited sign up Ricky and tommy servers that open at midnight each day, or donating for a tommy account.
  12. An experimental Windows server we have that's not available to the public yet.
  13. Please post the transaction ID so I can resend this. @Luigi: You may not be able to process this properly as it should be sent to the email found in the paypal transaction.
  14. wolstech

    Is Johnny back?

    I'd expect at least another week or so. It's not even remotely done yet, and that's ignoring testing.
  15. That account cannot be unarchived because it's on Johnny, which has failed. Please download the backup from https://heliohost.org/backup/ to retrieve your data, then sign up again on another server.
  16. IP has been unblocked. It may take up to 10 minutes to be effective though. Good afternoon actually (3:15PM local...)
  17. Yeah, high load. A proxy would definitely do it. I've stuck an htaccess with a deny from all in the proxies folder to keep them from being used and unsuspended you.
  18. It's in the middle of being rebuilt. Krydos just hasn't installed any of the HelioHost stuff yet beyond I think the load images. A lot of that is stuff that tends to get done later in the process. The attempts made at repairing the old one resulted in too many bugs, so it was rebuilt.
  19. Actually, you can and must if you have more than one site. You can have an infinite number of domains, but they need to be on a single user account. This is exactly what the addon domain option in cPanel is for. You cannot have two separate accounts.
  20. The Ricky account has been unarchived. That other domain needs to be added to the Ricky account as an addon domain. The account zetaperu and the domain buscameya.ml on Johnny have been cleaned up. Finally, you're not allowed to have 2 accounts (the fact you had two means you should have been suspended long ago and we missed it).
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