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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. The minimum for a donation is $1, and can be sent as often as you wish. No monthly donation is required to keep an account.
  2. It varies by browser. If you use Google Chrome, press CTRL+SHIFT+DELETE with Chrome open, select "All Time" and "Cached Images and Files" and "Cookies", then clear it.
  3. Please clear your cache. Its redirecting in a loop for me, which means the software on your site is broken. CGI-SYS is a special system folder that's shared by the system. It contains generic pages like the queued and suspended page that don't belong to any one account. It's accessible from all domains, and the files within do not appear in your account. Also, what do you plan to use the domain for? The contents of your account suggest you might be planning to run a likebot or follower bot (which are against our TOS).
  4. You were suspended for sending too many emails. The limit is 50/day. Unsuspended.
  5. Johnny is currently backlogged due to overloading. Johnny is typically our slowest server, with the worst uptime, highest load, and is also crash-prone due to said load, so someone coming from Tommy will find it nearly unusable in comparison. It is not suitable for production websites and is meant for experimentation where uptime is not a concern. Your experience is normal. Only Tommy does things in minutes. The speed is the major reason we have restrictions on new accounts there. If we allowed more, it would quickly become another Johnny.
  6. Yep, that's what most people are getting. We did get a response from MS, but their response was that we did not qualify to be unblocked because we continue to be a large source of spam and phishing email. You'll need to purchase a dedicated IP if you want to be able to email Microsoft's users. They're the only one that's extremely stubborn like this. Yahoo is hit or miss, but should work if your recipient white-lists the sending address. AOL and Gmail do accept our email, however you need to be careful especially with the AOL addresses. Their filter is very sensitive and also rather abuse-report-happy. If your email looks too much like spam, they send us a report and we suspend you for spam. Gmail just delivers the message to the spam bin when appropriate without telling us.
  7. That site is working properly. Are you still having this issue?
  8. Last I checked, our servers are were blocked by Microsoft, which is why the hotmail comes back. Can you post the body of the returned mail message?
  9. Limit is 2 per day, so no. As long as your file is inside public_html though, you can schedule something outside of heliohost to trigger it by requesting the page as often as you like.
  10. Delete your account, then PM me your email address and I'll send you a new Tommy invite. As for issues with Spam, this is not a DKIM issue (though DKIM being broken is surprising). Our service is one of the last that offers full email functionality on a free host, so we're a go-to choice for spam and phishing activity (in fact, we'd probably win the "Spammer's Choice" award if there was one ). Much of this crap is on Johnny, but last I checked, Tommy's shared IP is permanently blacklisted by Microsoft (emails to hotmail/outlook/msn will come back undeliverable). Emails to other providers will work, but due to our server's history, spam filters are really sensitive to our server IPs and the mail really needs to not look like Spam if you want a shot of them actually ending up in an inbox. Getting a dedicated IP ($12/year) and requesting your mail originate from it is a known fix for the issue. Several people here who rely on our email have purchased dedicated IPs for this reason. If you want to go this route, just donate the $12 and post in the forums with the transaction ID asking for a dedicated IP. Be sure to mention you want mail to originate from it so we set it up right.
  11. That usually means MySQL crashed. It seems to be working now. Are you still having this issue?
  12. Do not bump your posts, especially after an hour. It can up to 24 hours to receive a response because we are not continually staffed (we're all volunteers). Your account has been unsuspended. Please note that it may take several hours for the suspended page to go away.
  13. You're suspended for creating two accounts. You're only allowed to have one account. Which one do you want to keep?
  14. You've been moved to Tommy. Thank you for the donation.
  15. It's used by people who can't access cPanel on the other ports. Some places like corporate networks can block 2083...
  16. Krydos needs to manually unsuspend it. Moving so he looks at this.
  17. It can't be reused because of the forum account. I'v renamed you to jaybird2, You should now be able to recreate your account.
  18. wolstech


    The domain nyten.tk does not exist in the DNS cluster. I was going to try adding it for you, but I can't find your account (though there is an account hh295832 with a similar domain). Is this the account it belongs on? If so, is it supposed to be an addon or an alias?
  19. Give it an hour or two. Sometimes they need an Apache restart to unsuspend. If it still doesn't work this afternoon, let me know and I'll have Krydos manually unsuspend it.
  20. That account cannot be unarchived because it was deleted for disk space. A Tommy invitation has been sent to the address on file so you can create a new account. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
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