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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. @Admins: Leaving open in case Tommy comes back up for a proper move @Krydos: Please check donation when you get a moment, I don't see it in Paypal.
  2. I assume you donated via the gofundme, so Krydos will need to confirm the donation. However due to recent events and in the interest of time, I'll process this now for you. An invite has been sent to the address on your forum account so you can sign up on Ricky. In addition, the domain rockyglaciers.co.uk has been cleaned up and your email address has been released so they can be reused. We are unable to directly transfer Tommy accounts to any server at this time. If the old Tommy returns to operation, we'll be able to move your account at that point. If not, a backup of the contents will be made available for you to restore on Ricky. Thank you for the donation It's much appreciated, especially right now since we need to purchase a replacement hard disk for the hardware Tommy is on.
  3. wolstech

    Tommy Downtime

    @snowm: I released your email address from your Tommy account so you can sign up again. If your account fails to create tonight for some reason (you'll know because the account will simply "disappear" after registering), let us know and we'll get you taken care of.
  4. You ripped off someone else's website and couldn't even be bothered to remove the headers. Even ignoring the suspiciousness and likely phishing that may have been occurring, I'll can ban you for copyright infringement instead. <!-- Mirrored from www.rohantraco.com/quality_products&specifications/ by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2014], Sun, 01 Feb 2015 21:50:43 GMT --> <!-- Added by HTTrack --> <!-- Mirrored from www.maxproexports.org/index1.html by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2014], Sat, 05 Sep 2015 08:56:46 GMT --> <!-- Added by HTTrack -->< Banned.
  5. See https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/36461-re-open-my-suspended-account-of-new-created-one/?view=getnewpost
  6. I'll let Krydos make the final call on this, but I'm 100% sure he's going to agree with me. Even if you weren't phishing, we don't allow fake websites either.
  7. From report: Can you explain why there's a fake website in your account's images folder? We know it's fake because it very obviously makes numerous references to the real Denso website, and even lists the address of the real company's offices, yet uses dubious hotmail addresses for contact information. Also, can you explain the related account hosting fake documents that appear to be intended for phishing targets? I looked back through our abuse report history and found that you've actually been reported by a large anti-phishing company back in June as well (which is probably why your first account was banned,no idea why it was given a ban code of "Deceptive Domain." though, it most definitely should've been classified under "Phishing." due to the source of the report). Fake websites of this sort are both illegal and not welcome here. Please find another web host.
  8. That suspended page was a code error on my part. It should've been showing the server maintenance message. That's been fixed and now all Tommy users should be seeing a proper maintenance message instead of a suspended page when landing on files and folders other than index.php
  9. wolstech

    Tommy Downtime

    Looking at Eddie, the disks do appear to be showing as normal at the moment (one is probably starting to die and went offline, the Eddie reboot woke it up again so we could get the data off of it). Assuming everything goes to plan in terms of backups, I can't see any reason he wouldn't want to give booting it another shot. If it's backed up, worst case is it doesn't run or trashes itself, and we're no worse off than if it wasn't tried at all. Actually trying to boot it would be a good thing IMO, because manual backups usually are just tar files of home with .sql or .myi files thrown in. If cP runs, we can make proper archives that can restore automatically and include everything like domain configs, DNS zones, stats, etc. With those, we can just restore all the accounts after the rebuild (or move the accounts to another server if desired).
  10. The second user needing help has been moved here. https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/36464-account-renew-failed/?view=getnewpost Closing topic because this account was used for phishing immediately after it was created and has been banned.
  11. That account is working properly...and doing a great job at hosting a phishing site. There's also a second account hosting a fake "we transfer" page that appears to be related (from the same country and targeting the same company, Denso), and purportedly offers documents that I suspect would be sent to a target as a link in an email phishing attempt. Considering you've repeatedly violated our Terms of Service on both Multiple accounts and Phishing, I regret to inform you that you will need to find another web host. As a reminder, HelioHost does not tolerate deceptive or illegal activity of any type. This includes Phishing as well as hosting websites that pretend to belong to legitimate companies or web services.
  12. wolstech

    Tommy Downtime

    For what it's worth, we're not replacing the Eddie hardware he lives on, but it does need a new hard disk. With that in mind, it'll be at least the end of the month before we can fix Tommy (the disk would be installed on the 20th, then you need to allow for rebuild time).
  13. Yep, these will eventually be made available for download from the backup retrieval system. We're still in the process of retrieving them and making the backups at the moment though.
  14. So, it appears Ricky and Johnny are backlogged on account management. Both are showing tons of accounts waiting for create/delete/archive/inactivation... I can't see how Tommy would cause accounts to stop processing on the other servers, but I'm wondering if the Eddie reboot caused bihourly to hang on those servers or something. Can this be looked at?
  15. For some reason it appears nobody's account is creating. I'll ask to see what's going on since it's not just you. There's 53 accounts just like yours that are still waiting, some are 2 days old now... Follow this topic for the issue causing your account to not create. https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/36455-accounts-not-creatingdeletingarchiving-on-ricky-and-johnny/ Also, I did manage to find your old account (was under a different username and email). Would you rather me restore that instead of waiting for the new one to create?
  16. We can’t move sites that are on crashed servers. The only thing you can do at the moment is wait for repairs to finish or backups to become available.
  17. @sohamb03: I just changed the A records on my domain’s zone to lily and tossed a crash message there regarding the stuff I provide. http://raxsoft.com In theory this could be done en masse for everyone by just assigning tommy’s IP to lily and replacing the queued page with a generic crash message.
  18. Once the server is fixed, you'll either get your existing account back (if we get tommy running again), or if not, you'll likely be able to download your data. After that, you'll create a new account with the same domain as before on Tommy's replacement so you don't lose your visitors
  19. Yes it is, especially considering Denso is a real (and rather well known) company, that presumably you're not affiliated with. A substantial number of domains like the one on your account (zorhatta) have been turning up on our service recently. Nearly all of them were being used as front domains to phish bank information via email. Your account got banned during that sweep back in June due to similarity to the others. Can you explain how you're using this domain and why it features the name of a well known company that you're not part of? It looks like the account still on our systems is infected anyway (it's marked as .old, which usually means it's been replaced due to being compromised). The banned one actually appears to have been deleted. If I do unsuspend you, you'll be receiving a new account since I don't have the old one to give back.
  20. The account johnhus1 does not exist. An account with that email address exists but is permanently banned for deceptive domains.
  21. The heliohost.org login uses your account's hosting server to validate passwords. If your account is on tommy, it will say invalid because it's down. Users not on tommy can still log in through the website normally.
  22. Tommy crashed due to hardware failure. Krydos is working on backing up the data so repairs can begin.
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