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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. In order to ensure that your bot will not be violating the terms of our ToS I have to ask what it will do exactly? I'm especially concerned about the clause about not sending spam.
  2. Thanks for letting us know that you donated. For some reason Paypal didn't send me a notification of the new donation like they usually do. For anyone else who happens to read this thread, if you use https://www.heliohost.org/tommy/ to donate you will get your invite within seconds instead of having to wait for me to send it out manually.
  3. Deployed. http://ttenthu.heliohost.org/XSLTServlet/
  4. Deployed. http://frndforever.heliohost.org/myfrndforever/
  5. I deleted your Let's Encrypt ssl certificate for you and ran our system ssl. Log for the AutoSSL run for “lprcela”: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 4:49:41 PM GMT-0500 (cPanel (powered by Comodo)) 4:49:41 PM This system has AutoSSL set to use “cPanel (powered by Comodo)”. 4:49:41 PM Checking websites for “lprcela” … 4:49:41 PM The website “laparcela.tk”, owned by “lprcela”, has no SSL certificate. AutoSSL will attempt to obtain a new certificate and install it. 4:49:41 PM The website “rack.laparcela.tk”, owned by “lprcela”, has no SSL certificate. AutoSSL will attempt to obtain a new certificate and install it. 4:49:42 PM WARN The domain “rack.laparcela.tk” failed domain control validation: “rack.laparcela.tk” does not resolve to any IPv4 addresses on the internet. 4:49:42 PM WARN The domain “www.rack.laparcela.tk” failed domain control validation: The system queried for a temporary file at “<a href="http://www.rack.laparcela.tk/20A892E863B49A054211D7F07F907BDB.txt">http://www.rack.laparcela.tk/20A892E863B49A054211D7F07F907BDB.txt</a>”, but the web server responded with the following error: 401 (Unauthorized). A <abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr> or web server misconfiguration may exist. 4:49:42 PM The system will attempt to renew SSL certificates for the following websites: 4:49:42 PM laparcela.tk (laparcela.tk www.laparcela.tk mail.laparcela.tk webmail.laparcela.tk cpanel.laparcela.tk webdisk.laparcela.tk) 4:49:46 PM The system has completed the AutoSSL check for “lprcela”. 4:52:02 PM The queue contains a request for a certificate for “lprcela”’s website “laparcela.tk”. The system last polled for this certificate at May 30, 2017, 9:49:46 PM UTC. The next poll will be no earlier than May 30, 2017, 9:54:46 PM UTC. 4:57:02 PM Polling for “lprcela”’s new certificate for “laparcela.tk” (order item ID “191707847”) … 4:57:04 PM The certificate is available. The system will now attempt to install it. 4:57:08 PM SUCCESS The certificate is now installed! https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=laparcela.tk This certificate will renew itself when it gets close to expiring so you shouldn't need to worry about it.
  6. @fsps I restarted the lfd. Are you able to connect now?
  7. I just tested logging in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ and it took about .5 seconds to log in. I restarted the firewall on Ricky and restarted cpanel. Is anything working any better for anyone now?
  8. Can you log in from another IP address, like on your phone cell plan or using a web proxy or anything?
  9. psql --username=bma_user --dbname=bma_bookmyarrival --host=ricky.heliohost.org --port=5432 Then enter your password for bma_user when prompted.
  10. The host is wrong. Use host: ricky.heliohost.org Also you don't have remote access to the postgres database. You have remote access to bma_bookmyarrival like you requested.
  11. You're using a Let's Encrypt free ssl certificate right now. The system can't install another SSL certificate until you uninstall that one. If you use Let's Encrypt you will need to update it yourself every 3 months. If you use the free ssl certificate that we automatically install for you it will even update itself when it gets close to expiring.
  12. Deployed. http://hkaldane.heliohost.org/Website/
  13. Deployed. http://sh4.heliohost.org/AppList/
  14. I renamed your .htaccess for you to remove the 403 forbidden message.
  15. You should now be able to access the postgresql database bma_bookmyarrival remotely with the postegresql user bma_user from all IPs.
  16. Also keep in mind that you posted at 4am, and then again at 6am on the morning of a holiday. I was soundly asleep at both times. Please be more patient. His IP is from India.
  17. Personally, I wouldn't waste money on an SSL certificate. Since your account is on Tommy free SSL certificates are automatically installed and updated on all of your domains for you.
  18. Please don't post your password. In case someone saw it before I edited it make sure you change your password. Remote postgresql is only available if you request it. What postgresql user, database, and IP would you like to access remotely?
  19. It looks like mysql on Johnny restarted itself right around the exact time that you posted this thread. It didn't crash it doesn't look like. During a restart there can be a little downtime. If you want better mysql uptime and stability I recommend transferring your account to Tommy. Mysql on Tommy hasn't restarted in 20 days, and I think I manually restarted it anyways.
  20. Deployed. http://hkaldane.heliohost.org/Website/
  21. There you go http://esp-diego.mg/
  22. Maybe try deleting the whole thing and installing it again instead of upgrading? I just installed phpmyadmin on Tommy and didn't get any errors, but I didn't have an old version to try updating.
  23. Alright! Create a folder in public_html called flask /home/username/public_html/flask/ In that folder create a .htaccess file: /home/username/public_html/flask/.htaccess RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^(media/.*)$ - [L] RewriteRule ^(admin_media/.*)$ - [L] RewriteRule ^(flask\.wsgi/.*)$ - [L] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ flask/flask.wsgi/$1 [QSA,PT,L] Create a file named flask.wsgi import os, sys # edit your username below sys.path.append("/home/username/public_html/flask"); sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(__file__)) from myapp import app as application # make the secret code a little better application.secret_key = 'secret' Create a python script named myapp.py import sys from flask import Flask, __version__ app = Flask(__name__) application = app @app.route("/") def hello(): return """ HelioHost rules!<br><br> <a href="/flask/python/version/">Python version</a><br> <a href="/flask/flask/version/">Flask version</a> """ @app.route("/python/version/") def p_version(): return "Python version %s" % sys.version @app.route("/flask/version/") def f_version(): return "Flask version %s" % __version__ if __name__ == "__main__": app.run() Here is the working example: https://krydos.heliohost.org/flask/ This will only work on Tommy at the moment. Feel free to play around with it and let me know if you have any issues. If everything is working I'll see about writing up a wiki and making a news post about HelioHost now supporting flask.
  24. That looks pretty close to what I use.
  25. There you go http://quickpaydayloansrjnsh.com/
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