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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. First of all, please don't post on threads that haven't had any activity for like 7 years. All of those people you're responding to haven't been around for years. The cronjobs unfortunately run on localtime, and our servers are located in Fremont, California, USA. That's currently -8 hours from UTC. https://www.google.com/search?q=what+time+is+it+in+california
  2. Unblocked. It was because of failed FTP logins. Please check your credentials saved in your FTP client.
  3. You're on a multi-user server which means that each servlet must run in a subdirectory to keep them separate from each other. If everyone tried to run their application in the root folder you would get conflicts and files like index.jsp would get written and overwritten constantly. If you need to run your application in the root folder we recommend getting a VPS so that you'll be the only person using the whole server so there will be no conflicts. https://www.heliohost.org/partners/vps
  4. Port 587 to smtp.gmail.com is not blocked in the firewall: # telnet smtp.gmail.com 587 Trying Connected to smtp.gmail.com. Escape character is '^]'. 220 smtp.gmail.com ESMTP u67sm54542445pfd.162 - gsmtp ^] telnet> quit Connection closed.
  5. You have to use .htaccess to pass the original full url to php before rewriting it to index.php?u=main and losing it.
  6. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should start working within 12 hours.
  7. You're on Tommy now. http://dispatcher.heliohost.org/ If you see a 404 error or a Johnny queued page please clear your browser cache and flush your os dns records. Thank you for your donation. We really appreciate it.
  8. @luigi123, he created a new account, ybdit, yesterday. His original account, ybdusa, was archived. @ydiwonko, you're only allowed to have one account so after I unarchive this ybdusa be sure to delete one or the other.
  9. Your account was archived because you haven't logged in for quite a while. We have a limited amount of space on our servers, and occasionally we have to remove the unused accounts to make space for new users. To prevent your account from becoming archived again please remember to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ at least once every 30 days. Unarchiving...
  10. Node.js is something that HelioHost is very excited to offer, but we won't know for sure if it's possible until we get it done. We will try to install everything we can on Lily. Wolstech is more familiar with Windows hosting than I am so he may be able to answer the questions of what is possible better than I can. I look forward to learning more about windows hosting though.
  11. We're planning on running Windows Server 2016 operating system on Lily. That means we will be using IIS instead of Apache. We'll be able to offer native windows .NET support. Right now we only offer Mono .NET which isn't a perfect implementation. We'll also may be able to offer Microsoft SQL Database in addition to mysql, postgresql, and sqlite. Basically anything that runs on windows we'll be able to do.
  12. For apache to proxy the request to tomcat properly you need to have that trailing / on your url. ukalumni.heliohost.org/gpgagolf won't work, but ukalumni.heliohost.org/gpgagolf/ will work. There you go https://ukalumni.heliohost.org/gpgagolf/
  13. If we reach the goal we will be able to give storage space increases to Tommy accounts as well.
  14. Oh yeah, sorry, I remember that now. I just undeployed the .war file as requested. I didn't delete the apache .conf file that proxies the apache web requests to tomcat though. It's deleted now and the change should go into effect within 12 hours.
  15. We had a user request SSL connections to MySQL so I attempted to enable it, but it wasn't possible to get it to work. I guess I left the SSL available flag on. Is it off now?
  16. Java uses a lot of system resources. That's why we have to limit the number of users who can have it enabled at once. If you have http and https enabled you use twice as many resources so as a result if we automatically enabled both http and https for each user we would only be able to have half as many users with java enabled. The reason we append your username to your .war file before it's deployed is because otherwise we would have conflicts. Say one user deployed test.war and a second user then also deployed test.war the first one would be overwritten and suddenly user1.heliohost.org/test/ would change to someone else's site. To prevent this we append the username to the front of the file. test.war becomes user1_test.war or user2_test.war depending on who deploys it. Sometimes this name change causes issues within the .war file when it's hard coded to only work with one name. To get around this issue we recommend writing your .war so it will work with any name, but if that isn't possible for you just simply name it ukalumni_gpgagolf.war yourself.
  17. Try this to pass the url to index.php: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !index\.php RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.+?)\.masaeng\.ga$ RewriteRule ^.*/?$ /index.php?u=%1&a=$1 [L] Then in index.php you should be able to get the url like this $query = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
  18. Is java enabled on your account? https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/java/index.live.php
  19. You're on Tommy now. http://little-chicken.heliohost.org/ If you see a 404 error or a Johnny queued page please clear your browser cache and flush your os dns records. Thank you for your donation. We really appreciate it.
  20. You would have to buy a wildcard ssl certificate https://www.namecheap.com/security/ssl-certificates/wildcard.aspx?aff=102467 in order to cover all of your subdomains that aren't added to cpanel. If you created each subdomain through cpanel then autossl would cover each subdomain within 24 hours after creation.
  21. There you go http://krydos.masaeng.ga/ and http://hari.masaeng.ga/ To start php use this opening tag <?php Your code had <php Which is missing the ?
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