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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. I wouldn't risk it personally. Having wordpress installed on your account is just a time bomb. Eventually it will be hacked, and it will be a mess.
  2. Try changing the password of ducquang_main. I deleted that user and recreated it and reassigned it to the database, but obviously I don't know what the password was.
  3. Which postgresql user are your trying with?
  4. The postgresql database cardao91_rooksitio has been dropped.
  5. While we do have to rebuild the Johnny server occasionally due to the wear and tear of creating and deleting hundreds of accounts each day, we just recently rebuilt Johnny, and don't expect to need to again for quite a while. We don't ever plan on permanently discontinuing Johnny though.
  6. There you go http://tvw.heliohost.org/test.aspx
  7. I forced autossl to run on your account https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=iloveheavymetal.live
  8. When did you add that domain? It can take up to 24 hours for a new domain to get covered by autossl.
  9. It looks like it might be forwarding the email before spamassassin even gets a chance to look at it. Ahh, I found this in the documentation:
  10. We use spamassassin on our email support forum https://www.helionet.org/index/forum/91-email-support/ and it lets a few through every once in a while. Nothing is perfect. Since it's a publicly posted email address on a fairly high traffic website a lot of spam bots scrape the page and send us spam. Spam assassin catches thousands of emails and only lets through one or two a week. Gmail probably has the best spam filter in the world and a few get through to my inbox every once in a while as well.
  11. Everything has a chance of being hacked. Even if you only wrote your code in html someone could find a vulnerability in the web server or something to allow access to change your files. Just do your best to minimize the chances and take care of the issue quickly if it does happen.
  12. Using Joomla should reduce the chance of being hacked considerably.
  13. There you go https://www.raxsoft.com/temp/fsock.php
  14. You may have been completely up to date and did nothing wrong at all. All I was saying was your wordpress install was the entry point for the hacker. Your wordpress site gets the most traffic of any wordpress site hosted on our servers so of course it's going to attract the most hackers.
  15. What ip is it trying to connect to?
  16. https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/java/index.live.php and then if it stops working on ssl ask for it to be moved back to ssl.
  17. There's quite a bit of stuff that you didn't delete yet.
  18. It looks like metals was the first wordpress hacked externally, and then he used a scanner on that account to look for other wordpress installs. If you don't remember metals was the account that was causing massive issues on Tommy and was banished to Johnny for quite a while because of it.
  19. There you go https://secege.heliohost.org/test.jsp I also moved your deployed servlet to https https://secege.heliohost.org/HelioSecureRest/ but if you deploy a new .war it will likely revert back to http as the deployment script only deploys to non-ssl.
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