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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. You don't currently have any open mysql connections.
  2. You're already on our fastest free shared hosting server. The only step up in speed you can do now would be to switch to a VPS https://www.heliohost.org/vps/ We can help transfer your site from Tommy onto the VPS if you decide to go with that option. Also, I should mention that our VPS are very popular (perhaps we priced them too low) because we're almost out of space for VPS already. Once we buy Sparkie we'll have a lot more space for VPS as well as free shared hosting accounts, but we may have to start a waiting list soon.
  3. There was a conflict with your previous username. Your username is now infosol2. The email address and domain and everything are the same as before.
  4. BACKUP YOUR FILES FIRST! Then try it and see what happens. If it deletes everything you can restore from your backup.
  5. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should start working within 2 hours.
  6. Your account was archived because you haven't logged in for quite a while. We have a limited amount of space on our servers, and occasionally we have to remove the unused accounts to make space for new users. To prevent your account from becoming archived again please remember to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ at least once every 30 days. Unarchiving...
  7. matematikhocasi.tk
  8. Looks good to me. Thanks for removing the copyrighted books.
  9. Looks good to me. Thanks for removing the copyrighted books.
  10. Remote access enabled.
  11. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should start working within 2 hours.
  12. Your account was archived because you haven't logged in for quite a while. We have a limited amount of space on our servers, and occasionally we have to remove the unused accounts to make space for new users. To prevent your account from becoming archived again please remember to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ at least once every 30 days. Unarchiving...
  13. Your file /home/deyaaelm/public_html/.htaccess has instructions to force anyone who visits your domains to use https. Delete the .htaccess file, rename the .htaccess file, or edit the file to remove the https redirection will allow people to access your domains through http. You could also install a valid ssl certificate using these instructions https://wiki.helionet.org/Installing_a_Let%27s_Encrypt_SSL_Certificate
  14. XML and JSON are both already installed on Tommy's PHP 7.2 https://krydos.heliohost.org/72/phpinfo.php
  15. Deleted.
  16. You can check your own load at https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/load/index.live.php
  17. It can take up to 10 minutes to start working again after I unblock it. Your response was at 6 minutes.
  18. Unblocked.
  19. I tested Ricky SFTP on the command line with sftp -oPort=1312 scrum@ricky.heliohost.org and with Filezilla with these settings Both worked.
  20. Please clear your cache.
  21. Unblocked.
  22. That's odd that port 1373 is working, but you still can't connect. I have tested SFTP on Johnny and it's definitely working.
  23. Weird. I guess I'll keep an eye on it and see if anyone else has these same issues. Thanks for reporting it. Glad everything is working for you now.
  24. What does http://portquiz.net:1373/ say?
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