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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Yeah, obviously port 1373 is blocked somewhere between your computer and the server.
  2. In my opinion your emails are spam, but I suppose if people intentionally sign up for them they want to see that kind of spam. If we get a single spam report regarding your account you will be suspended and moved to Johnny. You've been whitelisted for 250 emails per day. I'm not sure if there's a way to tell how many emails you've sent through cpanel. Maybe just look at the sent box of your email address? So far today you've sent 29 emails though.
  3. Done. Done. Wolstech already did that. I assumed you meant flazepe.heliohost.org. If so, done. Done.
  4. Try sftp -oPort=1373 elhambre@ That's what I use and it works from multiple locations.
  5. I changed your domain for you from abdullahcodes.org to abdullahcodes.tk.
  6. SBCL 1.4.0-1.el7 has been installed on Johnny. To get started with lisp as a cgi create a file named lisp.cgi in public_html/cgi-bin/ with permissions 755 and the contents: #!/usr/bin/sbcl --script (format t "Content-type: text/html~%~%") (format t "Lisp as CGI is working.") Working example: https://krydos2.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/lisp.cgi
  7. The SFTP username is going to be the same as your cpanel username, so elhambre, not elhambre@johnny.heliohost.org.
  8. You don't have the root password for the server for obvious security reasons. Your mysql username will be something like lauraccc_root. You can create databases and database users through the mysql button in cpanel.
  9. You can deploy java servlets by uploading them as .war files. Check out the java button in cpanel, and the wiki https://wiki.helionet.org/Java_Servlet
  10. What is your username? Neither of the servers should be estimating an install in July. EDIT: Nevermind, you probably mean March 7th, not July 3rd.
  11. No, shared hosting plans do not include the ability to run shell commands. VPS include ssh and root access so you can run any shell commands you want.
  12. Have you read https://wiki.helionet.org/Django ? You run startproject on your home computer and then upload the project. If you can't run these commands and create your project on your own computer you will need a vps https://www.heliohost.org/vps/ in order to have ssh access to run the commands you're trying to do.
  13. My guess is that apache has to read the file first in order to pass it to php. Apache runs as the user nobody so it needs other readable permissions to even see the php script. Then once the php script is passed to php it is executed as your userid. I suspect if you ran a cronjob on a php script with 640 permissions it would work.
  14. Django on our servers runs through wsgi not django-admin.
  15. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should be working again.
  16. Your account was archived because you haven't logged in for quite a while. We have a limited amount of space on our servers, and occasionally we have to remove the unused accounts to make space for new users. To prevent your account from becoming archived again please remember to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ at least once every 30 days. Unarchiving...
  17. What is happening is wordpress is forcing your browser to use https to access /wp-admin/ and your site doesn't have a valid ssl certificate installed yet. You're on Ricky so autossl should set up ssl for you automatically, but it can take up to 24 hours to start working. You added this domain 46 minutes ago. When there is no valid ssl certificate for a domain and you try to view it over ssl anyways the server will basically pick a random ssl certificate for another domain and try to use that one. The ssl certificate it picks to use happens to belong to an account that is currently inactive. So, to fix this issue you have a couple options: Wait until autossl runs.Install an ssl certificate manually. https://wiki.helionet.org/Installing_a_Let%27s_Encrypt_SSL_CertificateDisable forced https on /wp-admin/.
  18. I tested http://www.heliohost.org/renew on your account and it worked on the first try. Not sure why it didn't work for you. What browser do you use? Did you fail the captcha? Did you navigate away from the page before the working indicator stopped spinning?
  19. Your account was suspended for inactivity, because you haven't logged into your account in the last 30 days. To reactivate your account, please visit http://www.heliohost.org/renew. To prevent this from happening in the future please remember to visit https://heliohost.org/ to log into your account at least once every 30 days. If you are still seeing the Account Suspended page after renewing your account, please clear your cache.
  20. When uploading .jsp files, etc. to your public_html folder the .jar files aren't loaded until Tomcat restarts. So likely what is happening is your site just doesn't have its mysql-connector loaded. I have restarted Tomcat. Are your mysql connections working now?
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