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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. I have yet to hear of a web application that can be installed through an auto-installer and can't be installed manually using FTP. There's a good bit of time under the Fantastico license is up for renewal.
  2. There seems to be a corrupt entry in cPanel's account database that is messing with things. I've submitted a support request to them; please bear with me.
  3. WordPress most definitely should not take 128 MiB of memory to install. But okay, since cPanel's PHP is a separate executable I upped the memory limit. I recommend just using WordPress's installer from their website, but Fantastico should work now.
  4. I am Ashoat Tevosyan. No, the ownership has not changed.
  5. I actually do, but I fear being deranked by free-webhosts.com, which drives most of our visitors. I'll have to contact their owner and ask if replacing Fantastico will derank us. I'll do this next time our Fantastico license is up for renewal.
  6. Okay, I've added your IP to the list of IPs exempt from the one-account-per-IP rule.
  7. Try modifying the encoding through your browser. This is a different process for each browser, but should be relatively easy from some toolbar. Let me know if that works. It wouldn't be a solution, but it'll help pinpoint the issue.
  8. Yes. When I changed your IP some settings in Apache got changed, but since Apache only restarts once every day it hasn't got the update. On the other hand, BIND got the update immediately and is now forwarding you to the correct IP. It should be fine by tomorrow.
  9. Okay, I've granted you a dedicated IP.
  10. Do you already have your certificate?
  11. I'm really unsure at this point. Is the PHP file encoded in UTF-8?
  12. Ashoat

    djbob is back

    byron, your birthday is way bigger news then these people getting HelioHost accounts
  13. Have you asked on a forum, though? Asking a few people isn't as good as asking a community.
  14. Okay, I've granted you a dedicated IP for SSL. Trying installing your certificate now.
  15. No. Allowing exec() is as good as granting you SSH access, so we are unfortunately unable to enable it for any users.
  16. Wizard: Hmm what? This shouldn't happen. Do you have it uploaded to some directory so I can take a look?
  17. I really dunno. They all disappeared o_O http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=222 Also: back in those days, I used "lol" and "cuz" in forum posts. Strange time, eh?
  18. HO [bleeped!] Thanks for your dedication, byron! Your help here is very deeply appreciated EDIT I seem to remember when those filters were set up. It was the HelioNet Legislature's idea.
  19. No. It prevents a lot of PHP applications from working, including the HelioHost home page.
  20. Support, but we don't support ASP. We used to have ASP.NET, but we never had ASP.
  21. No. exec() is disabled. Other than that, you're good.
  22. Nice catch. This issue should be fixed... let me know if it's not.
  23. I accidentally wiped a.php before figuring out what was going on. Sorry; can you recreate it?
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