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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Okay, it should be installed now. Let me know if it's working.
  2. Oh yeah, you're right. My bad - 755 will actually screw things up. CHMOD .htaccess to 644.
  3. CHMOD the following to 755: 1) The directory holding the script and .htaccess file. 2) The .htaccess file. 3) The Python script.
  4. I am getting the following error: root@stevie [~]# cpan File::Config CPAN: Storable loaded ok (v2.21) Going to read '/home/.cpan/Metadata' Database was generated on Fri, 29 Jan 2010 03:02:34 GMT Warning: Cannot install File::Config, don't know what it is. Are you sure this module exists?
  5. The negative consequence is that it allows everyone to have one more connection, thereby causing load levels to spike. You really don't need more than 10 connections, which is the current per-user limit. Either your web application is using persistent connections, or you have more than ten connections open at once.
  6. I'm not experienced with PostgreSQL, so this might be a stupid question... but can't you create a schema and associate the database with it, so that you won't have to specify the schema in every query?
  7. We need another two days. Sorry, but I'm going to have to delay this until Saturday.
  8. I am working on this issue here. I'll keep you updated in that topic. Reply there with any questions or concerns.
  9. Please give it another few days. Sorry about this.
  10. Sorry, but we're not willing to install that.
  11. Unfortunately, we have no such plans. CouchDB is not available in a cPanel-compatible package.
  12. If you're willing to help the forum for free that would be great. Unfortunately, we don't have nearly enough money to hire people to work for us.
  13. Okay, the issue is fixed. However, I completely screwed up and dropped all the tables on your account. I hope it's salvageable, as there is nothing I can do to get it back. Sorry
  14. Why does your site need that much? You're probably using persistent MySQL connections, which are unnecessary for most purposes.
  15. I'm on the line with cPanel about this issue. I'll let you know once they figure something out.
  16. This is a site-wide issue. I'll keep you updated here.
  17. A file with only the shebang will cause a 500 by design. You need to echo the Content-type header. http://www.heliohost.org/home/features-mai...enu/rubyonrails Here's a file I created on your account that is working fine: http://books.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/blah.rb
  18. I'm on the line with the cPanel folks on this issue. I'll keep you posted.
  19. Ashoat

    Addon domain issue

    I'm on the line with the cPanel folks on this issue. I'll keep you posted.
  20. We've closed signups for five days to process a bit of a backlog of queued account requests generated by crond accidentally being downed for a while. We should be fine pretty soon - please wait out the span if you want a new account.
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