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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Is it all Perl scripts, or just MovableType?
  2. Wait, are these Perl scripts that don't have the line "use Net::IRCService"?
  3. The line that does the include is "Net::IRCService". That instructs Perl to look for a "IRCService.pm" file in the directory "Net". It looks for this directory in any of the paths in @INC. However, if this file cannot be found it will error out as shown. If he explicitly included the file instead of the module, or he added the correct path to @INC there shouldn't be a problem. If he doesn't have the file, it shouldn't be too hard to download it.
  4. Marius, your account seems fine as well. I'm not entirely sure why you guys are getting these emails, but your accounts shouldn't be suspended or anything. Let me know if there are developments.
  5. Why not specify the full path to the file you need to include? Alternately, you can add it to @INC. (I'm basically rehashing the error message - just do what it says.)
  6. Well if Wizard likes them then we can keep them. To be honest, I don't really care. PS: I'm totally the highest rank.
  7. To be honest, I don't know. It's sort of a relic - I ought to remove those "ranks".
  8. I don't see anything in the server's error_log, so your local error_log is the only place you'll find errors. If you don't see any errors, then try examining your code.
  9. It's impossible to park multiple .heliohost.org subdomains. There are a limited supply of good subdomains, and I don't want people to get multiple .heliohost.org subdomains. Moving back to Customer Service forum.
  10. So the problem is that your raw access logs aren't updating?
  11. Could you delete (if necessary) and re-add the domain please?
  12. You have a firewall blocking outgoing TCP port 2082. Unblock that.
  13. Your last cPanel login shows up as 1/11/2010. I can't tell why this is happening. Have you received any emails since those last two? Let me know if you get anymore, but this problem probably shouldn't reoccur.
  14. Editing php.ini is neither necessary, nor possible. The method you are suggesting is the method that doesn't work for HelioHost.
  15. Post your PHP code snippet that you use to connect to Gmail.
  16. curelocations: start your own thread. I'm closing this one.
  17. Revise your post to follow our rules and I'll help you.
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