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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Do you see one now named "djbob_test2"? Also, what is your database named?
  2. Can you try to delete the domain and add it again?
  3. Can you try deleting it and adding it again?
  4. Ashoat

    Addon domain issue

    Can you try deleting it and adding it again later?
  5. Sorry, we have a significant backlog right now. You'll get your account in just a few more days. Again, sorry that it's taking a while.
  6. Ashoat

    Addon domain issue

  7. Ashoat

    Addon domain issue

    Give it a few days. That seemed to resolve the issues for everyone.
  8. Your code is probably crashing under high load. Are you taking lots of processing power, memory, processing time, etc.?
  9. I've set your account back to the queue. Our system is out of sync right now, so signups are taking longer than usual. Please wait a few more days, and sorry for the inconvenience.
  10. Ashoat

    Addon domain issue

    Give that some time - it'll work soon enough.
  11. Ashoat

    Addon domain issue

    I'm going to go ahead and call this issue resolved. Let me know in this thread if any of you guys continue having issues.
  12. Our system is a little behind schedule. Give it some time.
  13. Ashoat

    Addon domain issue

    The cPanel folks didn't really do anything. Perhaps everyone just needs to wait a little longer? Hmmm...
  14. That's pretty weird. Okay, I've reset your password again, and this time I've checked to make sure it works. I've PM'd you the new one.
  15. I'm out of ideas on this issue, so I've submitted a ticket to the cPanel folks. I will keep you updated here. Please keep waiting, and if you have any questions ask them in the thread I linked to.
  16. I'm out of ideas on this issue, so I've submitted a ticket to the cPanel folks. I will keep you updated here. Please keep waiting, and if you have any questions ask them in the thread I linked to.
  17. Sorry, but you'll have to keep waiting. I'm out of ideas on this issue, so I've submitted a ticket to the cPanel folks. I will keep you updated here. Please keep waiting, and if you have any questions ask them in the thread I linked to.
  18. Ashoat

    Addon domain issue

    I'm working with the cPanel folks on the addon domain issue. I'll keep you updated here.
  19. Let me know in another 24 hours. I think our system skipped a restart last night.
  20. Something is probably wrong with your PHP. What applications are you using?
  21. Okay, see if it lists that add-on domain now.
  22. Sorry, but we only allow one account per user. Furthermore, there is no such thing as a limited access cPanel account - you'd have to give them full access. Logging into cPanel once a month is not hard.
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