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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Did you enable IMAP on your Gmail account? Also, make sure you're addressing the right port and using the right authentication - Gmail is very picky.
  2. It's looking like AOL is blocking our servers, which isn't surprising because they have blacklisted us.
  3. I'm not seeing tigerlihao.com's DNS zone record. You'll need to add it as an addon domain.
  4. That's not actually an issue - bubynoa.com is indeed already configured. PS: this issue is fixed.
  5. No, the domain is fine. The "Account Queued" page is displayed by design. You added it successfully - you just need to wait 24 hours. I take it this issue is resolved now.
  6. Okay, I think things should be working now, but I'm not sure. Take a look, guys.
  7. Huh? The home page is loading fine for me.
  8. PayPal to ash oat at gmail. Take out the spaces and replace the "at" with an "@", and add a ".com" at the end.
  9. http://www.phpbb.com/bugs/phpbb3/56105?sid...f24eaa7dc90852f
  10. We have some weird issue. I'm on the line with the cPanel folks trying to fix it.
  11. It looks like cPanel's overwriting my edits to its internal php.ini. You'll have to install WordPress manually.
  12. Respond in that thread please. It's a lot easier for me to keep track of one thread than many. I'm still working on this issue.
  13. That command doesn't work on RHEL-based Linux installations; only Debian-based ones. RHEL-based distributions use "rpm" or "yum" instead of "apt". I've found an RPM package on yum, though, and installed it. Take a look and see if everything's working.
  14. Okay, it's looking like the problem is solved. Let me know if it isn't.
  15. A cPanel support agent is working on the issue as we speak. I'll provide updates in this thread.
  16. Oh, good point. I forgot about that one. Patch is to open ./includes/functions_install.php and to remove the following code snippet: 'sqlite' => array( 'LABEL' => 'SQLite', 'SCHEMA' => 'sqlite', 'MODULE' => 'sqlite', 'DELIM' => ';', 'COMMENTS' => 'remove_remarks', 'DRIVER' => 'sqlite', 'AVAILABLE' => true, '2.0.x' => false, ),
  17. Vivek: you have two accounts, which is against the rules. You can host both sites on one account using parked/addon domains - having twice the space and bandwidth of a normal user, however, is not acceptable. Pick one username to keep and I'll delete the other one. I'll suspend both in a couple of days if you don't reply.
  18. I can give you unmetered (note that "unlimited bandwidth" doesn't exist) for $10/month if you'd like. Honestly, it really doesn't look like you'll need it.
  19. I'm working on this. See this thread.
  20. First of all, learn to spell. Does the big, red text at the top of the page confuse you? "U" and "pls" are unacceptable, especially considering that they are purposeful errors. As for your issue: it's not occurring for me. I can see your site fine.
  21. Can you guys provide the username and domains you are trying to register? I think this issue might be related to this one.
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