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  1. For some reason I am not able to access tables in MySQL database hosted at thank.heliohost.org through C#. The connection is establish but as soon as I try to access the table data, it creates an exception stating access is denied. I don't understand how that is possible as I can access the same data through MySQL workbench app on the same PC. Can you please help me. Username: shyamal_1 Domain: thank.heliohost.org Server: stevie
  2. dida24

    Mysql Error

    mysql_connect(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in why this error happening to me? i was make some registration php code, and it cant connect to the db anymore? someone can help? i choose johnny.
  3. Hi! I'm a spanish user of your free hosting. My problem is that i can't view on my website spanish specials chars, like á, ñ, é... I have uft8 charset, utf8_spanish_ci collate and i can see the special chars on my website, but not from mysql. What is my problem? Thanks!!
  4. Hi everyone Noob here. Sorry. First of all, I am looking forward to getting my teeth into scripting with Python and MySQL. I have my first simple script running, so all good there. However... I have looked at a lot of forum posts. Many seem to ask the same question, but none seem to provide any firm advice. Before anyone points me towards: http://www.heliohost.org/home/features/languages/python, can someone give me a Big Picture overview of Python, Django and why I can't import mySQLdb into my scripts? First of all, I thought my script was buggy, but even this doesn't work: #!/usr/bin/python import MySQLdb ...and I get a 500 error. The link above seems to give a series of instructions (for which I am very grateful), but these are very bottom-up. I am looking to make connections to make sense. Once I get my first mySQLdb script running, I'll be flying (I hope). Fingers crossed spangle (Darren)
  5. Hello guys, I am not able to run my php script which readily ran on another hosting website. The server says that I need to match the header and library versions in order to run the php application. The exact error I had got is Warning: mysqli::mysqli() [mysqli.mysqli]: Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50527 Library:50621 in /home/aryan18/public_html/trylogon.php on line 4 Check this url : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19293354/mysql-connect-headers-and-client-library-minor-version-mismatch-headers5053 So please upgrade my php and mysql to same versions.
  6. Hi! For some reason I cannot access any MySQL database on Johnny. I haven't changed anything on the database. They were working fine for months until yesterday. It responses with "Access Denied". When I run "Check DB" at cPanel it responses with: "No database found". Any idea? Please let me know if you need more information. Thank you!
  7. Hello, my website http://vcr.heliohost.org/ is to test whether I can read data from a MySQL database also on the server name database is vcjan_php there are two rows of data in the data base there is a user called: larry (vcrjan_larry) password: larry2015 2 columns: name and email I try with PHP scrips to make the connection the script is visible on the site perhaps I overlooked something thank you
  8. Hello, my website http://vcr.heliohost.org/ is to test whether I can read data from a MySQL database also on the server name database is vcjan_php there are two rows of data in the data base there is a user called: larry (vcrjan_larry) password: larry2015 2 columns: name and email I try with PHP scrips to make the connection the script is visible on the site perhaps I overlooked something thank you
  9. Hello, I have move my website from old server to helios. I have some issues with phpMyAdmin and MySQL, I cannot login. When I go to phpMyAdmin from cpanel is asking to login and I get this error: #2002 cannot login to the mysql server. And my database is seems to not be restored. My username: stergos4 domain: http://www.564823.heliohost.org/ Also I notice that the server use the path /home1 instead of /home. If there is any way to change it to /home would be great because all my website is pointed to home. Please help, thanks in advance.
  10. When I try to login to phpmyadmin through cpanel (using my heliohost username and password) it comes up with the error: #1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server Anyone have any idea why?
  11. Hello, I am in the process of moving a couple wordpress-based domains to a different host. However, I need valid MySQL databases on the heliohost end in order to do this. But all of my MySQL databases currently appear empty (0.00 MB). Why is this happening and how can I fix it? Thank you
  12. I'm trying to upload a database for my website (I know my database isn't corrupted because I can upload it on other sites), whenever I do so the upload cuts off and I get a "#2002 - can't connect to local mysql server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) the server is not responding (or the local server's socket is not correctly configured)." aswell as it says the table its trying to upload doesn't exist, even though it does? Error SQL query: -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `reputation` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reputation` ( `UserID` TEXT NOT NULL , `GivenIP` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL , `GivenID` TEXT NOT NULL ) ENGINE = INNODB DEFAULT CHARSET = latin1; MySQL said: Documentation #1146 - Table 'altera_main.reputation' doesn't exist Does anybody know how to fix this?
  13. Hello. I am facing with problem when connecting to databases. Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'archanon_aces'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/archanon/public_html/aces/lib/connect.php on line 2 Also, I can't connect to databases through phpMyAdmin, with error #1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server I'm hosted on stevie
  14. There seems to be an issue with Softaculous as Wordpress is not getting installed. It's giving the following error: The following errors were found : The MySQL Connection could not be established. The MySQL Connection could not be established. My website is www.startmutualfundinvestments.com and the username for my account is smfi Thanks for helping out
  15. softlab


    Hi. How can I drop a database I have created? In phpmyadmin I do not have drop permissions; in mysql manager I do not see the database I want to drop, but if I try to create a database with that name it says it exists. Thanks
  16. Hi, The MySQL server has been crashing more frequently in the pass few months can and admins please check it out to see what or who is causing it to crash and try to comeout with some solution to fixed it? Thank You! Jeremy John
  17. How do I can't delete originally used to test the database, and also can't create table, nor to the table to add data, adding data or create table will prompt the error message. How to deal with. How to delete the old database! How do I can't delete originally used to test the database, and also can't create table, nor to the table to add data, adding data or create table will prompt the error message. How to deal with. How to delete the old database!
  18. Howdy! I tried to install Wordpress in my subdomain using softaculous yet I got this message. The following errors were found : The MySQL Connection could not be established. The MySQL Connection could not be established. I don't actually set major configuration in the Wordpress. Now, I wanted to know why I am getting the issues and what are the solutions of this problem? Further, I wanted to install Wordpress here: http://mabzicle.heliohost.org/ For utmost consideration and appropriate action. Thank you, Richard
  19. Hi Helionet / Heliohost I would like the mods to help me with "forced" account deletion. I have created an heliohost account a long time ago by the username of jiajun , and closed it since I dont use hosting anymore. After a while , I decided to continue using heliohost hosting , but when I tried creating an account on stevie server by the username of jiajun , it said that there was an account error: " Dear jiajun, Your hosting account at HelioHost has accounted an error during installation. The error is: Sorry , a mysql user with the name jiajun already exists. Please visit http://www.heliohost...ipts/signup.php and try to signup again. Regards, HelioHost Staff " I have also tried the deletion script to attempt to delete my account , but the system said there was no account with such username. Please help me! Thanks Kind Regards SMARTDODO
  20. Hey, So I can't login to my phpMyAdmin account. I'm using the same login information that I use for my cPanel and its just not letting me in. I keep getting the #1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server error. I don't recall changing anything, not that I think I have access to change anything like that. Thanks. username: hmaal domain: maalstudios.heliohost.org server: johnny
  21. I think I kinda locked myself out of mysql. I can log in using phpMyAdmin under any of the names that I created for the databases in the cPanel, but I think I did something wrong yesterday when I was trying to access the database incorrectly and exceeded my attempts. I attempted to change the max number of attempts allowed and I don't exactly remember what all I did, but I think I tried to change some permissions or something along those lines and ended up changing the permissions of the root account and now none of the accounts have any permissions. I was wondering if you guys could reset my mysql database, and if possible, do so without removing my tables, or reset the permissions back to default. Thanks. username: hmaal domain: maalstudios.heliohost.org server: johnny
  22. Hi, I have a problem I had a database hosted locally(on my computer) but than I wanted to host a website using a database and I found your site who has remote mysql access(thx god) so I dump my sql files from my old database.It has 51mb so I compressed in gzip using the format xxxx.sql.gz. It has now 4mb.So I started uploading it in phpmyadmin. Some tables works but some returned me these errors: #1005 - Can't create table 'louis53_bd.quests' (errno: -1)(details...) #1005 - Can't create table 'louis53_bd.full_morphs' (errno: -1) (Détails...) and some others errors When I clicked details to see why is this error from it brought me to InnoDB Status!It has no errors or no indications! So guys I need your help to resolve it! Louis53
  23. Hello, can someone correct and give me some advices for my project, or is it considered spam? Thanks
  24. Hi! I'm getting this error when I try to fix a problem I'm having with remote MySQL connection. I'm trying to unblock a host, since that's where my site is hosted. I get this Exception when I try to connect. exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[HY000] [1129] Host 'acf.me.uk' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'' in /home/web/jemhunter/updcsconfe/dbtest.php:21 Stack trace: #0 /home/web/jemhunter/updcsconfe/dbtest.php(21): PDO-&--#62;__construct('mysql:host=john...', 'jemhuntr_admin', 'nottellingyou', Array) #1 {main} Any ideas on how I should do this? I'm not sure about how I can get elevated priviledges over the server, if that's even possible.
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