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Everything posted by Luigi123

  1. What’s your IP address that you’re being blocked?
  2. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  3. Moved to Customer Service.
  4. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  5. We don’t allow users to send money by postal mail. We only accept online donation merchants like PayPal or Skrill.
  6. Moved to Customer Service.
  7. We don’t have exactly day yet for September.
  8. Yes, but not until he’s back online.
  9. We don’t have exactly date for September.
  10. When Tommy server is back up, you can make a donation. Then, make a new topic with your transaction ID and our root admin will move your account to Tommy after an admin verifies.
  11. Luigi123

    Tommy Downtime

    This is just our server. Everyone’s has the same error like you, it’ll come back later.
  12. Sure. You can donate at heliohost.org/donate of minimum $1.00
  13. Your site is working. Just our server is overloaded because of the users from Tommy are moving to a different server for temporary and restored their backup files.
  14. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  15. Luigi123

    Tommy Downtime

    Ricky server isn’t down. It got overloaded because our users from Tommy are moving to Ricky Server for temporary and uploading their backup files. I wouldn’t recommend you move your account to Johnny as he is our slowest server.
  16. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  17. 1. Have a made a donation with us before? 2. Yes, you will need to restored your backup files again on your Tommy account.
  18. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  19. Thank you very much for your assistance, but I'm still being redirected to the page that tells me that my account is offline and there's a backup available... Can you make sure that the account with the username vmaraujo is removed both on Johnny and Tommy? Meanwhile, would it be possible send me a new invite to Johnny? You can send it to [redacted] and I'll register with a new username, in order to prevent any conflicts with older accounts. Again, I'm really sorry for all this trouble. Sent.
  20. That error you’re receiving is because we need to renamed your forum account username and then you can try again.
  21. No. You don’t need to make another donation.
  22. Please let us know when you finish creating your account so we can go ahead hide your email address from the public.
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