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Everything posted by cl58

  1. Stevie is currently experiencing some technical difficulties with registration. See http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=9570 for more information.
  2. @Krydos: http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/php/tools...M.TK&rec=NS has the nameservers set correctly. When/where did you see that is was set to dot.tk nameservers? Edit: Never mind, just saw your last post. As Krydos said, it should work within 24 hours.
  3. Regardless, you cannot view a HelioHost site unless the name servers are directed to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. If you cannot change these settings, than you cannot use HelioHost with that domain.
  4. I think they expanded and now offer that and a similar service to that of co.cc. I could be wrong, but I think they changed it.
  5. Jail can be quite ineffective. If you've ever seen the movie The Shawshank Redemption, through the character Red among others, you can see how ineffective prison is (until the end of the movie, because it is Hollywood and needs a happy ending). Many characters in the movie learn to live in prison and some even prefer it to being released back into society and having to work, pay bills, etc. On the other hand, there are those who would do anything to not be in prison and therefore jail would reform them. It really is a paradoxical and difficult situation. Everyone is different, which makes punishment, and many other things, extremely difficult to handle.
  6. cl58


    This is occurring on all accounts hosted on Johnny. It is being looked into now. I apologize for the inconvenience.
  7. Yes... science is self corectin... an not that science "proves" anythang... its the scientific method that produces facts about how thangs work... but is it you'r pont that science shoud be disregarded in the understandin of ourselfs an the universe in which we live.??? That is not at all what I said. I merely stated a fact.
  8. I don't know how well this actually works, but I just saw http://support.cloudflare.com/kb/top-frequ...with-cloudflare That may be worth reading.
  9. While I'm not saying if I agree or disagree, it wouldn't be the first time that science was proven wrong...
  10. No. One cannot control his or her hair color (well, natural hair color), so that is unjust and undeserved.
  11. I just said that it isn't "punishment" if there is no cause.
  12. You're welcome! Please spare a few minutes to take our quick survey: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=8947 Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.
  13. Mayb the King is "crazy"... regardless... its a strate forward hypothetical scenerio i set up... ie... if you gettin punished means that many starvin people will be fed... did you deserve the punishment you received.??? That isn't really punishment. According to Dictionary.com, to punish is "to subject to pain, loss, confinement, death, etc., as a penalty for some offense, transgression, or fault." This situation does not match that definition as it is not a penalty for an offense.
  14. @awm3000: Your account has been reinstated. If you still get a suspended page clear your cache and try again.
  15. But when you're talking about something, the reasons it exists must be taken into consideration. If punishment did nothing and served no purpose, then it would be absurd, but there is a reason and serves a purpose. If a King woud give starvin people food if they punished you (a person innocent of any crimes/wrong doin) wit 40 lashes... woud you deserve that punishment.??? I'm not sure I understand your question. If you did nothing wrong, why would you be punished?
  16. But when you're talking about something, the reasons it exists must be taken into consideration. If punishment did nothing and served no purpose, then it would be absurd, but there is a reason and serves a purpose.
  17. cl58

    PHP 5.2x

    @jje - I was moving this topic and IPB started acting funny. I guess I did that by accident.
  18. cl58

    PHP 5.2x

    Unfortunately, we would not be able to use an older version just for you without downgrading the entire server. This is not a possibility because as new apps are released, they will not be made available for 5.2 which would cause many more compatibility errors. Plus, older versions of things tend to have security holes and it is best to keep things up-to-date. Sorry
  19. Welcome, DWC! We hope you find HelioHost useful and stay with us!
  20. @computerman: Your account is not suspended and is loading fine for me. Do you need a cPanel password reset?
  21. @schmidt: Your account has been reinstated. If you still get a suspended page clear your cache and try again.
  22. @asenic: Your account has been reinstated. If you still get a suspended page clear your cache and try again.
  23. cl58


    I know almost nothing about Perl, so sorry, but how would I do that?
  24. cl58


    No errors: http://www.cl58services.co.cc/pisg/errors.txt
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