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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Our system see these nameservers: http://bybyron.net/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=tambaza-admin.com&rec=ALL Something is wrong at your registrar. Usually we can see a nameserver change within a few minutes of it happening.
  2. You're the second one to ask about Flask. Flask is currently not supported. Is there a reason you can't use Django or plain python/CGI?
  3. It was inactive and wouldn't renew, so I manually unsuspended it for you. It probably needs an Apache restart to take effect though...it's still showing suspended for me. Escalating so Krydos can restart it (if it doesn't happen on its own beforehand...)
  4. Johnny had a few minutes of downtime earlier today. It's up now. You can see the orange block on the monitor for HTTP: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/
  5. I've fixed this for you. Tommy doesn't even typically have queued pages (only Johnny is currently doing this due to load caused by Apache restarts). Your site is working now. Please clear your cache.
  6. The only configuration that is officially supported is using the NS records. Please delete those records and create 2 NS records pointed to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. After that, please clear your cache and try visiting the site again. If it still does not work properly, we will look into it.
  7. The name you requested is already taken, so I just made it craigary2 for now. Let us know when your account is created and we can change it back so they match
  8. The top one is a new one for me...never seen that before. The bottom one I can't replicate. The site loads fine. Have you tried clearing your cache or using a different browser? How about a different internet connection (e.g. cell phone data plan)?
  9. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  10. Please wait for Krydos to respond to this. I've never seen cPanel itself give a 500 error unless something was broken. Your website works for me though.
  11. We didn't create new accounts for everybody after the crash, only made backups. If you wish to continue using our service, you need to sign up again. The problem here is that you might not be able to sign up just yet because whoever tarings2 is has your domains attached to that account (along with a whole bunch of others that aren't yours). I've dug a little bit more into this and have suspended tarings2 for abuse since the domains appear to have been stolen from you. There also appears to be phishing and other illegal activity occurring on that users' account (I see a lot of domains for facebook and bogus logistics companies, which are commonly used for phishing). Escalating so Krydos can look at this and remove your domains so you can create your own account for them.
  12. That account's site content looks like a violation of the TOS..."premium link" generator...usually used for downloading warez without waiting. I'm not sure where we actually stand on these though, since there's no actual copyrighted unless the user inputs links to such content. We'll wait for Krydos on this one, but I suspect this is going to end up suspended for copyright infringement. Where are you seeing the 500 error?
  13. It's a known problem...PHPMyAdmin is just poorly written junk these days It's especially bad if you're on Tommy, see http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/27714-difficulty-accessing-phpmyadmin/?do=findComment&comment=126637 A minute or more to open it is normal. You can always install something else on your account that's faster.
  14. Perhaps a library like https://github.com/piwik/device-detector/ can do what you need? That one seems to detect most browsers and operating systems, among other things.
  15. The broken connections probably timed out. Please let us know if you need anything else.
  16. Let's see what Krydos says about this account. Escalating.
  17. That account cannot be unsuspended. It appears that your site overloaded the server and caused ~30 minutes of slowness/downtime for everybody on Tommy: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/
  18. I'm not sure if we can support that or not. Make a post over in customer service asking for it on your server and I'll see what Krydos says.
  19. *facepalm* This is what I get for posting before my coffee (it's not even 8am here yet). Yeah, the variable would need to be set in the same file. Using it still means only one edit per file vs. editing every include/require though. Another thing to consider is that relative paths and .. will work too (e.g. require("../includes/file.php") means "go up one folder, then go into the includes folder, then include file.php in there), so you might want to explore possibly using this instead (this is how I do it). I have no idea what browscap is, so no comment on that.
  20. Seeing all of these should ultimately point to the same file, forget all the fancy logic and just use an absolute path. Includes are based on path from filesystem root, not web/document root, so the absolute path to the file would work regardless of which domain is used. If I'm following the code correctly, you should be able to just replace all of that with: <?php require_once('/home/sgn/public_html/nm/public_html/mobile/global/header.php'); ?> If you want to be nice about making it editable/movable later, set a variable containing the "/home/sgn/public_html/nm/public_html/mobile/global/" part in your config file (I'd personally just do it in the same one that has my database settings) so you can edit that path later if you need to move the scripts, without finding all the require_once() statements and editing them.
  21. This is considered bad practice for exactly the reason you're experiencing...it requires modifying system properties. The other issue is that by doing it that way, it affects the entire server instead of one program. The proper way to do this is to just do use an include() or require() where the header and footer belong, or more often than not just call a function that echos the content from the database.
  22. @krydos: All domains with whoisguard appear to be in panama. I have the same exact contact info on my domains. The email addresses listed (if they're listed, its optional, i don't see them here) are aliases that forward to the registrant. I've received emails from them before...they're noticeable because they have a banner at the top advising you that your email address may be revealed if you reply.
  23. You could use freenom to start with. Just be careful with them, they like to cancel your domains or ban you without notice. I've lost 3 domains and been banned once, Krydos I believe has had similar experiences... As soon as you start to see a decent amount of traffic or if it's down for more than 48 hours (server outage, 404 or 500 errors, whatever), they're prone to canceling your domain, serving malware on it, then trying to demand money to get it back. When I lost my domain, I just bought the matching .com from namecheap and called it a day...it cost less (~$25 for two years, including the whoisguard and ICANN fees) and is actually mine, as opposed to the crap Freenom does with their free domains (you don't own their free domains, just get an easily-revocable license to use it).
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