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Everything posted by Byron

  1. The server was under a heavy load this morning. Your site seems to be back to normal. http://www.ciecieprojektow.pl/ Try logging in to your cpanel and post back if you still can't. Then your site has probably been deleted unfortunatly. If you don't loggin to cpanel at least once every 30 days you get an email warning you, but if your email client is Hotmail than you probably never got it? Sorry
  2. When was the last time you logged into your cpanel?
  3. That won't center your site for all browsers and if you want all browsers to see your page the same way you'll need to use text-align:center; either in the body or in another division like this: CSS .center { text-align: center; width: 100%; } #wrapper { text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 800px; } --------------- <div class="center"> <div id="wrapper"> Page Content </div> </div> http://locusmeus.com/html-css/centeringpage.html http://www.maxdesign.com.au/presentation/center/
  4. Yes and that's Pacific time.
  5. Your site is up: http://fradiavolo.heliohost.org/ And you should be able to login here: http://fradiavolo.heliohost.org:2082/
  6. Are you able to login to your cPanel?
  7. My domain name is showing the same A Records as yours ( but I also have my nameservers set to heliohost. You need to set the nameservers.
  8. This is the way the ip addresses match to the nameservers. ns1.heliohost.org is, and ns2.heliohost.org is I think if you'll point your domain to the heliohost nameservers you'll be ok.
  9. As of the time of this post, your domain name is pointing to this nameserver: ns47.domaincontrol.com ns48.domaincontrol.com you need to set your nameservers to heliohost's: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org
  10. When your finished testing you need to change cgiecho to cgiemail http://sepero.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/cgiema...ailtemplate.txt and you can use relative urls for the form action if you want. cgi-bin/cgiemail/emailtemplate.txt Here's something you might want to add to your contact page right before your form closing tag. It redirects the person to a thank you page after they've clicked submit. <input type="hidden" name="success" value="http://your_site.heliohost.org/thankyou.html">
  11. When you go to your CGI Center you need to click onto the link that says 'CGI email' and it will get installed in your cgi-bin. I've never used a text file in my root directory so I can't say for sure if this is the correct path for the form action or not. <form action="cgi-bin/cgiemail/emailtemplate.txt"> Normally you would have your text file inside of a sub directory and then the form action would look like this: <form action="cgi-bin/cgiemail/SUB-DIR/emailtemplate.txt">
  12. Byron

    web page access

    You could add this to your public_html .htaccess file: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/?$ /joomla/ That way you can still go to the pages in your public_html folder but this will redirect you to the index file of the joomla folder: mysite.heliohost.org You might need to write it this way, adding this [R=301,L] for your images to work? RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/?$ /joomla/ [R=301,L] the other way the browser doesn't know it's been redirected.
  13. Byron

    web page access

    Can you just move the files from the joomla directory to your public_html directory?
  14. You can actually do that at your Backups from your cPanel but it's not enabled right now. Maybe djbob will read this and tell us if this can be enabled.
  15. You don't need to run a cron job to generate a backup. Just go to your cpanel backup and then click the link "Download or Generate a Full Backup" and then leave all of the forms blank unless you want it ftp'd to another server and then click "Generate Backup" and it will leave the zip file in your user directory for you to upload.
  16. Usually about this time of the day so you might want to give him a couple of hours if it's not too late for you.
  17. Okay, you'll need to wait for djbob to check into it.
  18. Try to renew your account here: http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/renew.php
  19. Your site is up: http://maisdental.heliohost.org/ and you should be able to login to your cpanel here: http://maisdental.heliohost.org:2082/ Make sure you login at least once every 30 days.
  20. If your email client is Hotmail then it probably got blocked. Do you remember the dmain name you signed up with?
  21. Byron

    PostgreSQL Help

    I'm not 100% sure but I believe it should be localhost
  22. It's a problem system wide and djbob is working on it. You can stay up to date by following this thread.
  23. Yes I believe that's normal. Just give it about 24 hrs.
  24. Byron

    Vacation to Europe

    Glad to have you back!
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