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Everything posted by Byron

  1. Can you post those domains?
  2. Are you saying you have 3 totally seperate accounts with Heliohost?
  3. You'll need to wait for djbob then. In the meantime you might want to see if you can loggin to your account from the Home Page login.
  4. Should take about 24hrs.
  5. Quote from my old WebTech courses: http://www.webtechu.com/adv3/moretables-2a.php
  6. Read This
  7. Yes that would work and each table would load seperatly starting from the top. So while your reading the contents of the first table, you other tables could be loading. You don't have to use <tbody>. Just do it like this: <table> <tr> <td> stuff </td> </tr> </table>
  8. Your right, that code didn't have the is_file function in it originally and I just added it without checking from my previous code. This code doesn't need the path added. <?php # NO DIR if ($handle = opendir('.')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && is_file($file)) { echo "$file<br>"; } } closedir($handle); } ?>
  9. It must restart early in the morning because I checked his domain a 12:00 am PST and it still showed queued.
  10. Check my code above and see if that will work for you. Here's anther one that will list the files to any directory you set the path to. EDITED for the is_file function <?php // Open directory $path = "/home/byron/public_html/test"; $dir = dir($path); // List files in directory while (($file = $dir->read()) !== false) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && is_file("$path/$file")) { echo "$file<br />"; } } $dir->close(); ?>
  11. Are you wanting to list just the files in your root drectory? This will list the files in the directory it's run in. <?php # NO DIRS if ($handle = opendir('.')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && is_file($file)) { echo "$file<br>"; } } closedir($handle); } ?>
  12. I honestly couldn't say, I just know it takes a little while for it to show.
  13. Give it about 24hrs after creating the parked domain.
  14. OK just hold tight for awhile till djbob reads this thread and he'll look into it for you.
  15. Double check your directory permissions in your home directory: public_html - 750 www - 750 If those are correct then you'll have to wait for djbob.
  16. FrontPage Ext. comes default when you register. If you don't use FrontPage Ext. then it's best to uninstall them anyway. Just go to your cPanel and click the link FrontPage Extensions and click uninstall. That should fix your problem. Frontpage is looking for the htaccess file which isn't there anymore.
  17. The .htaccess is in your HOME directory. You need to delete it. Use this to see your htaccess file http://nworld.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/...den=1&dir=/ If your still not seeing a htaccess file to delete by using that url I posted than you've got other problems and djbob will need to check it out. I just Googled that error message and this was the solution. Since you've deleted your htaccess file in your public_html folder, now you need to go to your cPanel and uninstall FrontPage Extensions. FrontPage Extensions relies on the htaccess file to work, but your probably not using FrontPage Ext. anyway.
  18. Yes really! If your htaccess file was deleted it would show a 404 Error but instead it's showing a Forbidden Error which it should for an htaccess file. EDIT: I take that back, your htaccess file may be deleted but since your directory permissions are wrong than it might not show a 404 Error. And Wizard was right, it's your directory permissions that's causing you the problems. Directories should be 755 and html files should be 644. Your file manager will set them correctly by default. You also need to go to your home directory and set the permissions for 'public_html' and 'www' to 750.
  19. If it's been over 30 days since you last logged into your cpanel than that's probably the reason why. If that's the case you'll need to re-register. You should be able to use your same domain name and password but your old files will be gone.
  20. It's probably because the sign ups have reached thier limit for the day. You'll need to try again tomorrow.
  21. Your .htaccess file hasn't been deleted. http://nworld.heliohost.org/.htaccess
  22. Did you try to renew your account here? http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/renew.php
  23. Server Name - stevie or stevie.heliohost.org
  24. Well I know you can't use this flag php_flag register_globals Off Because register_globals is off by default anyway. And I'm not sure about this one: php_flag safe_mode Off Have you tried using joomla without these flags? php_flag safe_mode Off php_flag display_errors Off php_flag file_uploads On php_flag magic_quotes_runtime Off php_flag register_globals Off php_flag output_buffering Off
  25. Do you now anything about htaccess and do you know what your ip address is? If you do than add this to your htaccess file and make a "Under Construction" page for the 403 Error. ErrorDocument 403 http://your_site.heliohost.org/under_construction.html Order Deny,Allow Deny from all Allow from If your ip isn't static you might have to add it several times like this: ErrorDocument 403 http://your_site.heliohost.org/under_construction.html Order Deny,Allow Deny from all Allow from Allow from Allow from Allow from Allow from See how the last 3 numbers change?
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