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Everything posted by Byron

  1. What happens when you try to go to your site like this? http://www.myname.ir/ Does your site come up at all?
  2. Byron


    I just tried it on my site and it's still showing the same error. http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/php/imagick/thumbnail.php <?php $thumb = new Imagick("fw4.pdf"); $thumb->thumbnailimage(400, 400, TRUE); $thumb->setformat("gif"); $thumb->writeimage("thumb_nail.gif"); header("Location: thumb_nail.gif"); ?>
  3. It still works fine for me no matter how I try it. You'll need to wait for the administrator to check it and see what he says.
  4. I'm seeing your site ok. How long ago did you create your site? Try doing a refresh.
  5. I'm going to your site just fine. http://pristinia.heliohost.org/gov/ or http://pristinia.heliohost.org/gov/index.php
  6. Go to your frameset page and add a frameset doctype and remove the <body></body> tags. Frameset doesn't use a body tag. Frameset doctype <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> and remember <frameset cols="120,*"> = navigation on the left <frameset rows="120,*"> = navigation on the top This is a txt version of my frameset page http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/test/lwebsite.txt
  7. It would be a browser problem. Try this real quick and see if you see the google page in the frame. http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/test/login.html
  8. I just noticed I had my exclamation mark in the wrong place incase you copied my code. It's fixed now. if ($code != "****************") <html> <head> <title>Welcome to Lincoln's Site</title> </head> <body> <?php # $code = "random"; # remove this or the code will always see the password $code = $_POST["verifycode"]; if ($code != "****************") { echo "You are not a verified user. Go Away."; exit; } else { # backslash your quotes echo "<frameset cols=\"120,*\">\n"; echo "<frame src=\"navframe.htm\" />\n"; echo "<frame src=\"default.php\" name=\"showframe\" />\n"; echo "</frameset>\n"; } ?> </body> </html> See if this shows google in the frameset for you after you enter the password. http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/test/login.html
  9. You need to echo out the html if it's inside the php like this: <html> <head> <title>Welcome to Lincoln's Site</title> </head> <body> <?php # $code = "random"; # remove this or the code will always see the password $code = $_POST["verifycode"]; if ($code != "****************") { echo "You are not a verified user. Go Away."; exit; } else { # backslash your quotes echo "<frameset cols=\"120,*\">\n"; echo "<frame src=\"navframe.htm\" />\n"; echo "<frame src=\"default.php\" name=\"showframe\" />\n"; echo "</frameset>\n"; } ?> </body> </html>
  10. No. You can have your php inside the html like this: <html> <head></head> <body> <?php # php code ?> </body> </html>
  11. Yes. You can have html before the php, html after the php or you can echo the html inside the php. It doesn't matter. <html> <head></head> <body> </body> </html> <?php # php code ?> or <?php # php code ?> <html> <head></head> <body> </body> </html> or <?php echo "<html>\n"; echo "<head></head>\n"; echo "<body>\n"; # php code echo "</body>\n"; echo "</html>\n"; ?>
  12. The cPanel has been down for me ever since this morning. Anybody else having a problem getting into cpanel? EDIT: I just went back and tried again and it finally loaded after a long wait. Checked the Server Load and it read 20.82. Somebody is running the server down.
  13. Byron


    [Moved from Questions forum] Just be patient, djbob is still in vacaction mode I believe. He'll get around to you real soon.
  14. Byron

    SMTP issues

    I just checked my gmail account (that I had forgotten I had) and my test mail went through without any problems. So gmail IS NOT blocking heliohost. You might want to check your spam folder but my email went directly to my In Box.
  15. Byron

    SMTP issues

    Are you geting a returned email with subject matter: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender at your server mail that has the email headers from gmail?
  16. Byron

    SMTP issues

    Do you have a gmail account to try this test email with to see if they are blocking heliohost? <?php $to = "your_address@gmail.com"; $subject = "Test Mail"; $message = "Hello world!"; $headers = "From: you@your_site.heliohost.org"; mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); echo "The email was sent"; ?>
  17. Byron

    SMTP issues

    Who is the email client that's not receiving emails?
  18. Yes thats the Problem. i cant. im using Godday and when i Reset the name serves in the DNS. the website Stays Connected on cPannel It doesn't matter what you have in your heliohost cpanel as a domain name. What matters is what your nameservers are at Godaddy. When you set the nameservers to point to another host then that's where it's going to go when somebody clicks onto your domain name.
  19. That was Nightcracker who posted that, but my reply to that would be, you would "accidently" be lying.
  20. You'll recieve a warning email after 30 days telling you to login or your site will be deleted.
  21. djbob has to fill out a form that tells Hotmail that Heliohost isn't a spam server. That's why Hotmail is blocking heliohost's mail. But now that I look at the url from your previous post I don't think djbob has filed out the form. djbob filled out the form from this site that I posted a few weeks ago: http://postmaster.msn.com/ This is a different site (i think): http://postmaster.live.com/
  22. You can use uni.cc if your under 18 (as far as I know). That's who I use. http://www.uni.cc/site/home.php
  23. Rochak, you already posted your problem in Customer Service. Please don't post your problem twice. Thank you
  24. Hotmail thinks it's spam. djbob has already filled out the form once a few weeks ago. He'll have to look into it when he gets back online.
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