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Everything posted by Byron

  1. Are you wanting to move your site to your brothers server? If not then what are you wanting to do?
  2. Check your subdomains at your cpanel and see if Joomla needs to be deleted there. Also you need to check how you have your addon set up for redirection. There's an option at your Addon domain manager to stop redirection.
  3. I can't say for sure this is why your account got suspended but more than likely. http://drupal.org/node/102647
  4. Ostrato your site is working but I think you know that already. Zoza did you see the page that said Account Queued a few days ago? That's what it says now and it may come up in another 24hrs if you didn't see that page before. http://e3dadkhodam.heliohost.org
  5. Go to your cron manager from your cpanel. it's in red writing, you can't miss it and you can't create a cron job without seeing it. EDIT: I just checked and the 2 cron limit warning isn't there anymore. djbob will unsuspend your account when he sees this but you still need to limit your cron jobs to only two a day.
  6. Topic moved to Customer Service. You'll need to wait for the administrator to look at this.
  7. The email is sent out before you site gets deleted. We've had some server problems the last few days and maybe that's why you didn't get it? Just make sure you login at least once every 30 days with your new account and you won't have any problems.
  8. Who is your email client? If it's hotmail then it probably got blocked.
  9. Byron


    Where are you seeing this ruby folder?
  10. If it's been over 30 days since your last login to your cpanel than your site has probably been deleted. If that's the case you can re-register with that same domain but your files will no longer be there.
  11. See if you can renew here: http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/renew.php If you succeed then you can login from the heliohost home page: http://www.heliohost.org/
  12. You can do that. You should be able to create the addon domain without your domain pointing to it. And then after all your files are uploaded you just point the domain to heliohost and after about 24hrs your domain is pointing to heliohost instead of the old server. I used to have another site a few months ago that I would switch my domain name back and forth to when one was having problems, but now I'm totally heliohost. Maybe this will help you understand the difference in a Parked domain and an Addon. Parked: http://bybyron.uni.cc/ http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/ Addon: http://alpha1omega.uni.cc/ http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/alpha1omega/ http://alpha1omega.byrondallas.heliohost.org/
  13. Check your content. I'm still getting emails at my yahoo account.
  14. You just have to trust that he will. Usually he's right on top of things. He must have had something come up in real life that has caused his delay. Just try and be patient.
  15. You have your ns settings fine at your registrar. The difference in a parked domain and an addon domain is that a parked domain covers your entire site and an addon domain only covers a directory on your site. If you set it for an addon domain it creates a directory called fortalezarooms in your public_html and that becomes a sub domain of mariusm98.heliohost.org. Has it's on ftp and cgi-bin. Seems we are having a few issues right now that sould be resolved soon. Just be patient for the aministrator to check into your problem.
  16. OK you'll need to wait for djbob to check it our for you.
  17. Do you see it listed on your cPanel for addons? Do you see the directory for you addon domain in your public_html directory?
  18. You'll have to wait for the administrator and that will probably be sometime after 9:00 AM PST.
  19. What do you mean your unsure of? Why are you creating accounts and not using them? Did you not see this red text on the signup page? Note that you only have one chance to create your account. Please carefully review your submission before finalizing. Only one account is allowed per user. Only one account per user. Stop creating multiple accounts. I suggest you pick the account you want to keep because if you have two others they will be deleted. As far as giving out the username and password for an account, you'll need to be able to show djbob some kind of proof that it's your site.
  20. I havec done so already, but I need the server details for each one I assume you mean for each domain when you say "for each one"? How can I know details when I don't now the domain name?
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