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Everything posted by AverageJoe

  1. O.K it looks like the servers up, now can we proceed?
  2. I fell the same way, FF is just so much better. I love the add ons and the themes. I would highly suggest FF to anyone. And if your complaining becuase it doesn't show the sites th same as IE, well I say IE doesn't show the sites the same as FF. plus theres a add on that lets you open IE for any site you want so you can check to see if the site is shown the same in IE as FF.
  3. Just got them, I would suggest shortcut manager.
  4. Yo mama, I keep on beeting that [bleeped!] off but she somehow manages to keep coming back.
  5. Did any of you have A.R. where you had to read books and then take tests on the computer to get points? I read those because they were the most points?
  6. What in your opinion is the funnest language to use? I have gotten the basics under my belt, now I want to start having fun.
  7. Do you need to do/download something special for that, because my notepad doesn't do anything of the such. P.S. do you know of a free alternative to dreamweaver?
  8. It is a lot like the separate but equal thing in the past. they knew they were people just like eveyone else, and sitting at the back of the bus wasn't that big of a deal, but it was the point of the matter, and I think that is the same thing that is going on know.
  9. Hey does anybody know of some good techno, I don't know where to start. If I search the genre on limewire I just get crap. I have heard a bit and I liked it, can anybody give me some good suggestions?
  10. Yo mamas so stupid, she thought a quarter back was a refund! Are you allowed in yo mamas room? If you are you might not want to come in tonight, if your not can you knock on the door in the morning to wake me up. Yo mama so fat it took me three bus trips, one ride in the taxi, and a flight in a plane to get to the other side of that [bleeped!]. Yo mama so fat when I was screwing her she was like, "Uh, thats my bellybutton." yo mamas so stupid she had you! yo mama so skinny she grades cheese on her ribs. yo mama so stupid she thought you use pick up lines to pick up things!
  11. Yes I like it, I like the whole concept, but I would like it a lot more if it was more active. Theres hardly anyone ever on. Thats why I try to spread the word as much as I can.
  12. Thank you at least you have the guts to admit it, I used to feel the same way. There is nothing logical about it, just gut felling. I just have decided to stop following my gut and start following my head. I know I'm real! And it is very possible that a god didn't create us, I like to think were made of cells. We have made clones, god didn't create them, are they real or just a figment of our imagination?
  13. I have noticed that pople have mention that it takes 500 posts in the forum to get a free domain, this is not the case. Rember there is a bank that gives interest, so really it should not take 500 posts.
  14. I have never used it, do you have to make it your OS?
  15. They won't get you over a few songs in limewire, my whole school would be caught then.
  16. I have to say that my first language, quickbasic, was really easy to learn and gives you the basic knowlege for other languages.
  17. Hey does anybody know of any other news/tech sites?
  18. Hows it like an ant farm? Did he have slaves do the wokl for him like queen ants? Now back on teh topic of mithraisim.
  19. Well thats ok, ever wonder what it would be like if we knew everything? I think life would actually be quite boring.
  20. I'm confused, it works just fine when I click on it. P.S. html tutorial here. Could someone post a good tutorial on c++ and php. Thanks, Joe
  21. I would like to state a simple fact, Bush is an idiot. He is retarded. I can't wait till he's out of office. We need another Clinton, he took us out of debt and put us in a surplus. Not saying I'm siding with Hillary though, just that we need another president that was as good as Clinton was.
  22. My point was that it is the loudest and stupidest muslims. And I don't know about where you live, but everybody in my state, seems to fit under that christian fundimintilists catagory of yours. I was talking about the Christian radicals, more people have become Christian radicals. It is these people who Vote their vote soley on the opinion of their church. Now once again lets move on who here believes that the universe is simply an acumilation of gods legos?
  23. This topic is for all languages, if you know of any tutorials that you have found to of been extra useful to you post them here. This is so people can find good tutorials of the language they need. Are a few sites that I have found quite useful: For quick basic language tutorial click here. for a css tutorial click here. Joe
  24. maybe a few of you could post some pics to.
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