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Everything posted by AverageJoe

  1. You should click unistall and then FF restarts itself without you having to exit out of it.
  2. This is good, I found it quite funny! http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/4577/piratexb4.swf
  3. Its simple logic that the Earth is round, and there is even evidense to prove it to yo if you don't bleieve in logic. Such as photos of the Earth. The fact that we have seasons due to the Earths tilt. The fact that planes must fly in a semicircle that curves toward the closest poll becuase the Earths circumference is shorter there. But a Thank any logical mind should understand why the Earth is round. Those people probably believe that the jedi is real to and that the govt. is holding aliens in testing facilities all sorts of conspiracy theory like that. Their just frigging tards.
  4. LOL last one was pretty good. P.S. check out my cat pics http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=2203 there pretty funny. Lol, Yes the TRANSITION has Begun !
  5. K. let me break this down to you in a good old analogy. When you go and buy something from Walmart, you are 85% of the time buying something that came from China(not just Walmart, but any supermarket). By buying this item you are directly supporting the businesses that force little children to work for horrible wadges, and at the same time you are draining the American economy. Know that you know this will you stop? The people at Mc.Donalds know the risks. They probably sit on their lazy [bleeped!] all day, while watching T.V. So they are bound to see one of the commercials that tell them about health risks. It is not ingnorants, but simply apathy that causes them to continue to eat 50% meal worm. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwh Thats goss.
  6. Jessica alba has got it going on. Anybody ever heard of heidi klum?
  7. Thats total B.S. people don't like their songs unless their high. The reason that musicians do drugs is the same reason that everyone else does it. To chase that high that they have become addicted to.
  8. Or you could pay ten dollars, and let the extra five thousand build interest over the year.
  9. How can I make sure that all mu files go to my domain name and not my subdomain name? I installed a forum under www.awsomejoe23.com and it is also viewable, with all the changes on the board that I made, at www.awsomejoe23.heliohost.org/forum How do I keep it from installing in my subdomain? Can I delete it from my subdomain without deleting it from my domain? Thanks, Joe
  10. I hear frostwire is pretty good, but I have never personally tried it.
  11. Do you really think that they spent over a thousand dollars on a pen? For god sake, they make piss out of a window, like their going to spend any amount of money on a pen for them to use in space.
  12. If anybody wants to create a custom banner for my site I will gladly pay them in helions. If this is okay with djbob. I will also donate some helions to anybody who will well me where I can create my own banners for free. Thanks for any help, Joe
  13. Love this debate lol Was I talking about that election? NO. I was watching the history channel yesterday and they were talking about this very subject. Though I can't remember the times it has happened, many Christians admitted to voting for one candidate, solely for the reason that he was a Christian. They said that, that president is one of the least like presidents ever. LOL And about my last quote, I was merely saying is that you believe in your religion. There are thousands of religions out there that you don't believe in. Do you think that they experience the same "high" or such, that you experience with your god? Do you think that all of their fairy tales are false, yet yours is the only one that is true? You were right when you said that arguing you out of religion was impossible. You will never stop believing in your mythology, as the technology to prove it totally and utterly wrong is still far out of our grasp. Though the time will come when Christianity is obsolete as the sacred tales that the Greeks passed down, which are much like your Christianity. The biggest difference is that you are mono theistic, and they were polytheistic. Now I have nothing against Christianity. It causes many people to do good things, that they would not ordinarily do. Though I do pity that it takes the fear of rotting for eternity in a really hot place. Now just out of curiosity, how serious of a Christian are you? Do you believe in gay rights, evolution, or premarital "fun"?
  14. Whats a full hdd partition? P.S. How can I make my home page www.domainname.com/ and nothing after the .com/ ? Thanks, Joe
  15. Unless you already have a domain name then it would be www.reptilianart.heliohost.org But that does not seem to be working either, so you should contact djbob.
  16. Kraziboi Yes, but you should run splitting a topic like that by djbob. You must understand that when looking at it from our point of view that it looks as though you were trying to get as many helions as you can. By posting new topics it allowed you to get more helions without double posting. We do not want to encourage this as noobs will try to do this as well, except with the sole purpose of getting extra helions in mind. And to have fun. They want you to contribute to the forums as well, making the forum a more enjoyable place to be. This attracts more posters, during greater durations of time, which allows them to earn more helions, therefore allowing them to pay for your hosting. And to gain helions you should concentrate on helping noobs out as that is one of the main purposes of the system. And next time you post off-topic, you should at least contribute something that is on-topic in that post. EX: Yo mama so frigin big, she tripped and made the grand canon.
  17. This movie is great. If you haven't seen the first one National lampoons Van Wilder, you need to. They are both great movies. I found them both hilarious
  18. I watched and was not impressed. The women were hot as usual, and the action was cool, but that was it. The story line was not at all impressive.
  19. Yes it does look like it will be good. I wonder how the story line will work out. Of course you know that M.J. is going to get like woman nappe. lol
  20. That was a great movie! I liked the part where he hit on the girl in the bookstore. "what kind of books do you have" "We have a great do it yourself selection" "Do you..............Like to do it yourself?" LOL thats great.
  21. No I don't, you should try to make a somewhat coherent sentence. A good excuse for assignments that they hand out at the end of the day when you are leaving is"you never gave me one."
  22. I play battlefield here and there, and I must say it is one of the best games ever. The maps, and the total layout of the game just rocks. The new titan mode in 2142 is like the best thing since pong!
  23. I have acumilated a lot of junk in my cpanel, and I would now like to clear it all out. Is their a way I can format my cpanel so that its goes back to the default memory? Thinks, Joe
  24. If we don't just simply die what do you think happens? Are soul goes to wonder land were it is subjected to endless piles of ice cream? Or as some religions believe, if you sustained from bacon, or pork in general, for your whole life then you get to sleep with 10,000 virgins! Trust me I would love to be able to believe that is true, but since it isn't, and I don't believe in god, I can try to get pretty close to that here on Earth. O, and I find it funny that people don't believe the story"you get to f#@!# a lot of girls if you follow these rules" is not a myth. And remember, according to you story believers, 99.9% of all religion is false, and totally obscure towards the truth. So don't say that religion is a logical answer, because according to you religion is 99.9% illogical.
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