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Everything posted by AverageJoe

  1. Can I have a button to place on my site leading back here? Thanks, Joe
  2. If we where to start terraforming I would say we go for mars. It's more "Earth-like." I think that it would be cool to see how the animals evolve and change from there original ancestors on Earth. That would take millions of years though.
  3. Yes theres a possibility that there is "intelligent life" but most likely there is no life at all, and if there is life then it's probably just a simple bacteria. The chances that a multi-cellular organism has formed is highly unlikely, let alone one with a complex brain structure and to allow them to see, think, and react to their environment, which still is just the level of a primate.
  4. LOL thats still not as big as maxes. how about while(1==1) { $number=9 + $number; echo $number; Think thats the correct sytax.
  5. LOL the picture you saw was an artists perception of the planet. We can't "see" the planet, per say. We can detect the planet from determining the wobble of the star due to it's change in light frequencies. Our sun does the same thing as the gravity of our planets pull on it causing it to wobble. Look up center of gravity to understand why this happens. Anyways the reason it's Earth like is that it is relatively close to the size of the Earth, which means it's solid, and is just the right distance from the star for water to exist in liquid form. It may have the same exact atmosphere as mars, but there is a possibility that it has an atmosphere like ours none the less. I think that we should spend less resources on discovering life, and more on terraforming. That would be cool to see in my lifetime(I wish lol).
  6. AverageJoe


    What kind of an apache upgrade? btw djbob no double posting
  7. Ever stood on the border of two countrys? Well you mama so fat she standing on the border of all the countrys at the same time!
  8. LOL you can upload it on my forum. Go to reply and then host. Or you can go to www.imageshack.us then upload the file to the net. That should do it.
  9. I use it for the basic earning of the money. I will continue to post here whether I need th hellions or not, as I like the idea of the forum. But the bank makes it so that you can space out your posts and spend your time on more serius subjects, rather than just something in the comedy section because the need a few helions to make a deadline.
  10. I wish that he didn't kill himself, and that he was giving what he dished out. I think he should be put into a room with a few places for cover, and professional gunman who would try to kill him. That way he can get the same fear he instilled on those who's lives he violently ended.
  11. k, I would like to point out that it really should be less helions per dollar. Simply because you can put the helions in the bank, earn interest(money) which has better rates than a real bank. lol O and djbob you forgot one helionet:FREE So, guys, stop complaining, it's free!
  12. I also heard he was a stalker. I heard a lot about it since I myself live in Virginia.
  13. good to see you. but just to let you guys know its really 0 if your smart. just save up enough in the bank, and then the interest will take care of it!
  14. Sweet sig. thanks man. If you ever need anything just drop by my site and I will try to hook you up.
  15. Hey.....If I wanted any come back, I would of gotten it off your mamas lip!
  16. I use them mainly for resources. Like if I'm like "O shooot whats a good date time format for php?" then I just go to w3 and that gets it for me!
  17. Only newer song I like is danny california. Right with ya kraziboi I like under the bridge as well. I think their a great band and love their older songs but my Christian friends hate it because its "devil music." So their not that popular around my area.
  18. O, yea, he would of gotten arrested. But I didn't realize that everything was real till like the end of the movie! I can be slow sometimes! LOL
  19. LOL............Post pics!..........now! I liked the bus one as well.
  20. Well since they were probably high when they did die......................... Any ways I strongly disagree with the saying don't drink and drive........Get high and fly. Beer is so much better!
  21. lol we can go at least like mach 5 now!
  22. LOL didn't look so much like wrestling...........EWWWWWWWWWW. LOL
  23. Still havn't seen it, but I can't wait! Are the battles animated or real?
  24. Has anybody seen Borat? That movie was great!
  25. Yes they are great! speaking of Harry Potter is the new book out yet?
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