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Everything posted by AverageJoe

  1. I liked the second one, and can't wait to see the third. I heard that they made it seem like there will be another sequel.
  2. I thought the whole pamela anderson thing was just great.
  3. I think that it meant that nobodies are those who do nothing. You have to do something to prove yourself to the world, like will smith did in the movie.
  4. I really liked the waxing part. It was GREAT
  5. I was listening to some show yesterday and they where talking about the top movies that grossed the most of all time.One the highest one was a real old movies, like from 60's. Anyways back then, in the 60's movies costed a fraction of the price to go and see, yet somehow it still is up there with those which cost triple maybe more to see.
  6. V for Vendetta is great, as well as Independence day. I usually can't watch a movie more than once, but those are just so good.
  7. I can definitely tell the difference from an older movie and a newer one. Newer ones are much more sharper, cleaner, brighter, and more realistic(if trying to be). But I do recall something about the movies not making as much money as before. Maybe thats the underling cause.
  8. Same here, but I'm not able to use money over the net due to incompetent parents, so I have to stick to the free stuff.
  9. I told him that but he said that, that was his display name, not his username. Just make sure you didn't glance over it to quickly.
  10. Well, Microsoft(more) gets paid so it can spend more time on making it look pretty. They also have more resources, as far as programmers go. But I still say fedora ftw.
  11. Yeah, I bet for the last show, everyone dies, except kenny. That would be the best.
  12. I wish I could, but you have to know someone up high to get to test a beta game. I'll have to testing my own lol. Can't get the money, then make it.
  13. Both great bands, but never heard of those 2 songs, I'll have to hit them up on limewire.
  14. Well it all depends on the physics of how universes are set up. Also can they really be the same. Even as awesomegamer said, if your friend was going t a planet, and the exact him was coming to yours, then they still wouldn't be the same because they would be in a different place in the space time continuum. Now if other than that, if there was a type of "mirror reflection" of our universe, and it is in the same time and dimension as us, we could find out. I will make a simple text diagram to diminstrate let B = a radio that sends wave at a specific frequency. A is the person and 1 = a boundry of the universe, p = a point in the universe that is the same. p >>Universe a>>>1>> >>>1>>universe b>>p how do you know point p is in a different location? P>>Universe a >>>B>>> AA>>>>>1>>>>universe b>>B>>P now both "bobs" but the radio in the same place in their universe, they meet in the middle, and now they see if radio waves come from both ways. I guess lol
  15. I have gotten into game development rescently, but other than that I always like to go surfing or snowboarding.
  16. oh this was the program that you showed me on aim. I like it and its worth using. I don't recall talking to you on aim. anyways, I got it down pretty quick, the only hard part was figuring out how to get the z to shift up.
  17. Search the board, been a lot of topics about it. or try and figure it out yourself store> bank > deposit/collect interest If the collect interest button is not working like i said, search for a topic on it.
  18. Welcome to helionet, glad to see you've joined.
  19. South Park and King of the Hill are two great cartoon shows.
  20. I think the best bet would to get like five automatic interest collectors a month, for when your not able to get to a computer. I really don't think a month would be good. You can make 2K in a month of interest if you have enough, then you would only ever have to come back to buy the automated interest package.
  21. My first game was probably twisted metal on the PS1 lol. Glad to see your back.
  22. Both videos where great. I really liked the parody. But I think that would be cool to have if you are pretty wealthy. That would make a nice addition to one of those smart houses.
  23. IDK I was like, wow cool movie, then the name poped up and I was like [bleeped!]. lol It looks cool, and I guess their trying to please all crowds.
  24. That would defeat the purpose, you would not come to the board and load the page to collect interest, therefore you would not see the add, thus money would not be generated. That is the whole point, you pay for you hosting by veiwing ads but now that I think about it you might be able to make a program that does it for you automaticly. That would be cool.
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