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Everything posted by AverageJoe

  1. To summarize the video, it is about Christian beliefs of the radicals. They believe the Harry Potter is the enemy of All Mighty. Some even fell that these believes are so important that they should indoctrinate their children with them(Make their kids be Christian radicals). They also believe that the All Mighty will ascend from the sky and slaughter humanity........I mean save us.....lol.......by the time that global warming takes affect. That is if it is not a conspiracy, as thought by them. Now moving on, What do you think about Christianity being taught in schools? I have nothing against, except the fact it will violate the freedoms of Americans in the long run. If Christianity is taught in schools, then we must retain equal public facility's. This means we would have to teach Islam, Judaism, and every other religion that is believed in by Americans. I'm not one of those guys that are like OMG it says god on the dollar bill. I couldn't give a [bleeped!], it doesn't affect me. But if they were to teach religion in schools I would not be willing to pay all the extra tax that would come along with it. I also wouldn't want to put up with all the [bleeped!] of getting it worked out. End the end my opinion is simple, if the religious society can come up with a solution that won't affect me than I'm fine with it. I would also like to take a poll, will YOU vote for a person if their beliefs are the same as yours, even if their not is qualified as the other candidate? Talking about presidential candidates here. If an atheist ran, and was not as qualified as the Christian candidate, I would surely vote for the Christian.
  2. Well I think the FF extensions are much more user friendly. There is also a larger selection of extensions allowing the user to find the extensions that fit him the best.
  3. O.K. You believe in blind faith, I believe in what I see as fact. So since when did the fairy tales change between the catholics and orthodox Christians? Did you watch the video? Do you fell as you would be categorized under that sort of extreme? You started this forum when you were like 14? P.S. I really don't have anything to those who have faith, just those who idiotically believe that things like global warming won't affect us so we should try to make the world as shity as possible before the great guy comes done and slaughters the majority of the world during the rapture. Anyways my biggest problem right now is the whole lust thing, as my girlfriend happens to be a Christian.
  4. Is it not up to the standards of programing or something? Because thats where I learned my first bit of html. Anyways I posted just about every tutorial worth while on the tutorial page that I started. I'm sure you can find what you need somewhere in there.
  5. We do know how big the galaxy is. Look at the video I provided in the astronomy section. Corny, yet the facts are fairly accurate.
  6. Does anybody know their standpoint on the national economy, foreign trade/tariffs, and the war. It is these that will affect who I would vote for if I was old enough. lol
  7. Sorry they are all kind of out of order. 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  8. Just go to the library, they are bound to have some good books on programing. If you are a beginner then check out a book such as programing for dummies, it may not be completely on C but but it will give you the basic knowledge of how programing languages work. Otherwise check out a book specific to C. Hope I was to some help, Joe
  9. Its disabled if you don't collect it. I can collect it around 8:AM eastern american time. I think thats -5 gmt.
  10. Yo baby, you be my Dairy Queen, I be your Burger King. You treat me right, I'll do it your way.
  11. I hope you guys actually listened to them as they are hilarious.
  12. K here are a few of mine. Microsoft works Military inteligence pretty ugly lol Joe
  13. OMG, you guys are stupid, the first thing i did when I read the first line was look at the date. lol Nice joke though.
  14. Have you ever seen a photo of the earth? yeah it looks real flat.[sarcasm]. Plus we can tell from the formation of other celestial bodies, as well the study of seismic waves that our planet is quite round. Also how do you explain the stars, as well as the sun and the moon, rotating in even increments?
  15. It's not just because they are musicians that they do drugs. Yes you may argue that they do it because of the immenser stress the are constantly under, however this is not the case. There are many other people that go through much more stress than them. It is all merely statistics and capability. The rich/famous are able to obtain drugs with ease, as they do not have to worry about the funds to do so. This is why the amount of rich/famous people are a little more likely to do drugs. The only reason it seems as though that so many do is like the example listed below. EX:(not to scale) Five do drugs, and when they get caught it goes on national television. Now Now the other five-hundred musicians don't do drugs. Now to relate it a simple proportion, five-hundred thousand people in America, and when they get caught they just simply get licked up(these cases rarely make the newspaper). Now about fifty million people in America don't do drugs. You see it is still a one to five ratio. O, and I don't do drugs. I have witnessed first hand how the more potent ones can mess up peoples life, even those who don't smoke it. I do however, on an occasion, get the local hobo to buy me some pirates cove rum to mix with my coke.
  16. Yay more Christian ranting! First how old are you? Have you graduated from college? I'm in my first year of high school, and I'm dyslexic. I go through spell check, and a dictionary on almost every post in the debates tying to make most words that are intended to be spelled right, grammatically correct. I am some times in a hurry and can not fulfill this deed so my posts do seem to be quite wrong, in grammatical terms. This is why I hate it when people, with the complete ability to create a coherent sentence, should do so. Ummmm, sure. Have you by chance happen to take the time to look at the fossils that have been found. Ever heard of the Neanderthals? Also, who is to say we will not evolve as well? We have been able to control our surroundings for some time now. How do you know that we will not adapt to the environment we are making for ourselves? O, and what about races, as they begin to intermingle, humans will change? So some apes may form as we do in the future, but by then we will also have changed a great deal. I also did not intend to give the impression that all apes will evolve to be similar to us, some may take other paths such as that of which the Neanderthals did. So, let me guess, you just "interpret" the bible according to how it best affects you at that particular time? Maybe thats why when we found overwhelming evidence to support evolution, Christians decided to indoctrinate it into their fairytale as "symbolism" so they did not sound like complete idiots. It's quite convenient huh. O, and just out of curiosity how do you know how to interpret things? Please explain the method of incorporating evolution with "let there be light" and l"et there be stuff" to "from Australopithecus to Homo habilis to Homo sapien, excluding many steps in between as they are to great to list." Yeah it was in my history curriculum. All the Christians were upset when they heard this(denial). Once again the state curriculum for history class. At that time period there was a great sense of religion in Europe. People started to place there loyalty in the church rather than the government. The church could sway an election either way(so they charged for this luxuries). It was during this time that corruption was at its peak. It was the church officials that became the biggest political leaders. This brought the corruption to most of the church officials. The officials enjoyed this power and had to make sure that they were continued to be trusted, so they erected the bible. Now I'm not saying that all the officials that created it were greedy, but that the majority were. A good example of the politicians using religion to gain there way is the crusades. As I learned in my church when I was a Christian, many biblical scholars admit that a portion of the authors never existed due to overwhelming evidence. Now do you have any evidence that they were divinely inspired? O, so sorry you have to go to church because you choose to. So sorry you to pray/talk to yourself, because you choose to. Sorry if you have to follow "fairy tales" because you choose to. O, and I do believe it is the bible that says "treat thy as thou shalt treat thou neighbor." Well I don't bash the Christians in my town unless they start it. So they poor people that have to follow the bible can break it to bash those who don't "See the light from above(not the sun )" Yes it is not hard to prove your point when all your answers are based on a interpertation. Next thing we know we will be arguing whether or not Nostradamus predicted World War Two and 9/11. Now respond with some evidence to support your beliefs, along with what your beliefs are. Please don't make this whole debate about solely discrediting me. Though please do tell me if you can prove me wrong about any statement I have made as I do wish to be able to full comprehend the differences between science and religion. Joe P.S. Sorry about the quotes in the quotes, only so many quotes are allowed in a post.
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  18. No so it would be illogical to believe in it right. By all means try to persuade me, I like to know the reasoning behind your thoughts.
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  20. We can see atoms, and have been able to see them for some while. So if you don't believe it then you are a retard. I will now refer you to the video at the beginning of this topic.
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