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About AP_Pictures

  • Birthday 12/24/1984

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  • Location
    Southern Oregon

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. FEAR is a first person shooter, paranormal game. You play a character in the First Encounter Assault Recon (F.E.A.R.) team and you are looking for a person who seems to have supernatural ability to control other people's minds and have them do his bidding. Has some really great creepy effects and realism. FEAR Combat is a free multiplayer version of the game. It takes out the creepy element of the game, but you still have access to all the guns, movements and abilities of the actual game. You play in maps from the game against other players in a variety of modes, such as Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, and a lot more. Anyway, here's the link to the free version below: FEAR Combat Just enter your birthdate, then download the key code and the game files!! Be sure to check all you hardware requirements. If you like the multiplayer, be sure to buy the actual game. It's also on Xbox 360 and PS3 if you have one. Later!
  2. Thanks everyone! I'll check out that tutorial thread as well!
  3. So okay, I'm 23 and I love the Harry Potter book series. Yes I admit I'm a potterhead. Anyway, The first couple of movies bugged the hell outta me because the poor (inexperienced?) acting and lousy effects. Alfonso Curion turned that around in the third movie. The series is getting good! Alliances are unknown with several central characters...got me hooked and I can't wait for this last book. Other big series that rock (and a little more grown up); Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind, and The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King. Also working on the Hannibal Lecter series by Thomas Harris
  4. Hey! I just started playing F.E.A.R.! If you haven't played this game I strongly reccomend it! It's the perfect mix between survival horror and FPS. Also I love the multiplayer mode! I suck at it but it's fun. Anybody else play online, let me know! F.E.A.R. combat is a free multiplayer you can find at gamespy or fileplanet!
  5. Gotta say, Number 23 was Carrey's best so far. Don't get me wrong, his comedies are great, but this rocked. Great stroy, great mystery! I can't take soda to the movies any more though, I had to leave the theater like 3 times during this flick! heheh. Cool trivia: Number 23 was Joel Schumacher's 23rd film!
  6. Favorite movie is one of the hardest questions in the world!!! Right now I'd have to say shaun of the dead (most quotable movie in my vocabulary!) Big fan of M. night shyamalan though! He's shooting a new one called "The Happening" starring Mark Wahlberg.
  7. Hey! No schools around here offer a good programming course. I'm trying to get into C++ and Javascript. Can anyone suggest some affordable books on beginning learning? Or want to sell or donate any of your books? Let me know! Alex
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