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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. That account is suspended for Phishing. HelioHost does not tolerate phishing activity of any kind, and for security reasons will not unsuspend, back up, or delete an account that was involved in phishing. You will need to create a new account and restore any backup you may have. Please be aware that you will not be able to reuse any domains on your suspended account, and will need to pick a new username. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
  2. I'm having trouble finding your donation. What service did you use to donate? Paypal transaction ids are alphanumeric, not just numeric.
  3. Unblocked. /var/log/maillog-20210606:Jun 6 03:01:28 tommy dovecot: imap-login: Aborted login (auth failed, 2 attempts in 4 secs): user=<admin@<removed>.blog>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, TLS, session=<tIHjIxDELNqtExTj>
  4. Your username is actually ashutos2. Unarchived.
  5. Put this in /home/maena/public_html/maena/.htaccess RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/maena/ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://maena.heliohost.us$1 [R=301,L] Put this in /home/maena/public_html/duo/.htaccess RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/duo/ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://duo.heliohost.us$1 [R=301,L] Obviously I haven't tested this so let me know if it doesn't work and we can try to figure out why.
  6. It's working for me? Is it working for you now too?
  7. Closing due to inactivity.
  8. It looks like they gave up. Marking solved.
  9. You can use .htaccess to redirect people from a subdirectory to a subdomain. Post some actual subdirectory and subdomain names instead of examples and I can write some actual .htaccess code for you.
  10. I checked to see if your changed your domain successfully... ...and you did not. You typed your domain as 'jrx2-dev' which doesn't have a valid tld. You have to actually type out the whole thing 'jrx2-dev.heliohost.us' into the box. Anyways, I went ahead and changed it for you. Also, it used to take up to 48 hours to change a main domain, but now (if you do it right) it takes less than 2 hours.
  11. If you haven't donated and don't want to or can't for some reason you can move your account yourself for free by following these steps: Backup your accountDelete your accountCreate your Tommy account for free at midnight UTCRestore your backup
  12. We no longer provide heliohost.org subdomains. If you already have one you're welcome to keep it, but any new free subdomains have to be heliohost.us. Is jrx2-dev.heliohost.us ok with you? Also for future record you can change your main domain yourself with this page http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/domain.php but since that page was made in like 2009 it doesn't always work right so if it fails an admin can change it for you. I plan on making a new main domain change page that works better soon.
  13. For anyone else who reads this you can't just enable it for all users, you have to specify one user. He told me the user on discord though. Remote access enabled.
  14. Unarchived. It's been more than 3 years since we've seen you, welcome back.
  15. Johnny's max_user_connection is 4. Ricky's max_user_connection is 6. Tommy's max_user_connection is unlimited. (But if someone starts to abuse this it will be limited as well.) That means your code is either trying to open more than 4 connections at once, or isn't closing connections properly. A lot of the time you can change the number of max connections in your configuration. If you're writing your own code make sure each connection is closed immediately after it is done being used. Most software is written for performance, not for behaving well on a shared host. If you have a vps and you're the only website on the server then it will increase performance slightly to open 100 mysql connections at once. Also there is a slight overhead when you open and close connections so you can get a little bit more performance by not closing them and using the same connection over and over. Obviously this isn't fair to the thousands of other users on your shared server who won't be able to connect to mysql at all because of your overuse. Therefore shared hosts have to have limits. That's actually an interesting idea that I've never considered. Personally I like to do mysql queries on the command line, and it would be annoying as hell for me to have my connection constantly being closed over and over. For instance I might create a new table on the command line, and then write some code, and then realize I need to add another column so I'll switch back to the mysql command line and run an alter table command. I also like to test mysql queries on the command line too before adding them to my code. If I had to reconnect every single time I wanted to run another query it would drive me insane. I'm not sure if many people code like this though. Johnny's max_connections is set to 150. That means all the users on the whole server added together cannot exceed 150. This isn't the error you're seeing though. You're seeing max_user_connections which is just you, not affected by everyone else. The reason max_connections has to be set to a sane level is each mysql connection increases the memory required by mysql. With the current settings mysql uses about 3 GB of memory out of the 16 GB on the server. This is already a pretty sizable amount considering you need a ton of memory for apache processes and tomcat and everything else. You could switch to Ricky or Tommy, but like I said above if you abuse the limit on Tommy you'll either be suspended or you'll ruin it for everyone else because I'll have to set a limit.
  16. Since everything on our servers is load balanced, and since the ddos is causing Johnny's load is so high there are a ton of accounts that haven't been created yet, etc. I'm shutting down apache intentionally for a while to get the load low enough to get caught up on all that junk, but if anyone asks why their account still isn't created after 5 hours or whatever that's why.
  17. See https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/43629-johnny-down/
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