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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. This error was fixed by editing the password reset and login code. For security reasons we can't explain how it was fixed, but there faulty code did not pose any security risk itself. It just returned a false "invalid login" message when the login information was correct in certain cases.
  2. Closing due to inactivity.
  3. We are no longer planning on installing Django on Johnny at this time. While it is technically possible it would have a lot of conflicts with Ruby on Rails. Johnny is the only server we have that currently supports Ruby on Rails so we're not going to swap it out for Django when we already have two servers, Ricky and Tommy, that support Django. If you want to run Django you'll need to create an account on Ricky or Tommy for now. If you have a compelling reason why you think Johnny needs to have Django too we're willing to listen.
  4. Closing due to inactivity.
  5. There's something seriously wrong with your Barcode.war file. Tomcat has been trying to deploy it for over an hour now... I canceled the deplyment after 90 minutes. Here is the error it gave: FAIL - Application at context path /afarias_Barcode could not be started FAIL - Encountered exception org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: Failed to start component [StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/afarias_Barcode]]
  6. We do offer free signups on Tommy, but they are limited to prevent him from getting overloaded. As a thank you gift for your donation we give you the benefit of getting a Tommy account easily.
  7. You picked the Johnny server which is our experimental server. What this means is Johnny can sometimes experience high load, instability, slow response, and downtime. If you look at our official server monitor at http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/archive/?2017-06-28 you can see that there was a period of downtime when you posted this topic. Since then the downtime has ended and your website is now working for me http://mabaomsi.heliohost.org/ Is it working for you now too? Since you mentioned downtime on Johnny I want to mention that if you need better uptime we highly recommend transferring your account to Tommy, our production server. There are two ways to transfer your account. The fastest and easiest way is to go to https://www.heliohost.org/donate/ and we will transfer your account for you within a few hours. The other options is to follow the instructions at http://wiki.helionet.org/Moving_your_account Keep in mind that the free Tommy signups open at midnight UTC and have been filling very quickly lately. Last night they filled up in 17 seconds. The night before that it was about 4 minutes. Let us know if you have any questions about transferring your account.
  8. Your URL should look like this lefterov.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/bob.py?n=359897890266&t=test You have a & after bob.py instead of a ?
  9. @lefterov, your topic has been split to http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/28626-python-cgi/
  10. Johnny currently only has one version of python: 2.6.6 Tommy has 2.7.5 and 3.6.0.
  11. Yes, CloudFlare should reduce your load some. Disabling Wordpress plugins usually reduces your load by a lot.
  12. Krydos


    AutoSSL does not update Let's Encrypt SSL certificates, which is what the domain nifomat.com currently has. Common name: nifomat.com SANs: itech.heliohost.org, nifomat.com, www.itech.heliohost.org, www.nifomat.com Valid from June 28, 2017 to September 26, 2017 Serial Number: 03fc492b87a2a80cd6737b8affb776ba2f61 Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Issuer: Let's Encrypt Authority X3 Common name: Let's Encrypt Authority X3 Organization: Let's Encrypt Location: US Valid from March 17, 2016 to March 17, 2021 Serial Number: 0a0141420000015385736a0b85eca708 Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Issuer: DST Root CA X3 Here's the error that AutoSSL reported: AutoSSL will ignore this website because this server’s AutoSSL did not provide the certificate for it.
  13. I can see right in your screenshot that you have the wrong info entered into filezilla. You have open "kor12@Tommy SFTP" 1342 If you actually had your info correct like you claim it would say open "nadeem12@tommy.heliohost.org" 1342 I don't know how else we can help you when you're having such a hard time simply copy/pasting a few values into filezilla.
  14. I think most people have had trouble with django connecting to sqlite. I always recommend using mysql.
  15. I'm getting directory not found http://saikosns.heliohost.org/ComicPub/ Are we talking about some other django subdirectory now?
  16. That IP was blocked for too many failed logins. I have removed the block and you should be able to connect again soon.
  17. The domain luisbilhoto.cf has been deleted. Can you create your new account now?
  18. What is your home IP? https://www.heliohost.org/ip.php
  19. Please post the following information: Your cPanel username Your main domain The server that you are on
  20. Deployed. http://citisnet.heliohost.org/citisnetsql3/
  21. Yes, that is why you got blocked. I have removed the block for you and you should be able to connect again soon.
  22. The 404 is because I undeployed it fully to show that the cache was cleared. Deployed. http://citisnet.heliohost.org/citisnetsql3/
  23. You weren't neglected. You spammed us in all caps with many offensive posts, and directly insulted and called our volunteers names so your emails were flagged as spam. Thank you for this post which is a lot easier to understand. If you can continue being civil and follow the rules we will continue to provide you with support.
  24. I don't understand how the previous servlet can be still in there considering my deployment script deletes the .war file from webapps and then waits for Tomcat to fully unload the servlet. Then the script shuts down Tomcat and waits until all of the Tomcat processes are completely unloaded from memory. Then it restarts Tomcat and deploys the new .war file. Anyways, I manually deleted your .war from webapps, and waited until Tomcat unloaded and deleted the directory. Then I manually shutdown tomcat completely, and waited for it to fully exit from memory. Then I deleted your directory in the work directory. Let me know once you're ready to deploy the new version again. You could also consider changing the name of the .war file in case it's your browser that is caching the old pages.
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