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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. drwxrwxr-x. 2 sadeso1 sadeso1 28 Jun 20 15:30 mail That directory needs to be 755 not 775.
  2. I was hoping for a Germany repeat, but they did not look good at all versus Mexico. Argentina is cool, but I still can't believe Messi's penalty kick got saved.
  3. Krydos

    Double Storage

    That's actually not the email address you used either, but based on your first and last name I found your donation. You should have 2000 MB storage available now.
  4. We need it to provide cpanel access to people for whom port 2083 is blocked. A lot of schools and companies block everything other than port 80 and 443. EDIT: (Should have read the next page first.)
  5. https://teetwist.com/ works for me. Please clear your cache.
  6. No, cloudflare only operates on port 80 and port 443. It's more likely that it is something like cpanel.yourdomain.com where yourdomain.com uses cloudflare.
  7. I got tomcat working again and redeployed it for you. http://ds3cheatersblocker.heliohost.org/cridus10_ds3cb/
  8. So is it working then?
  9. Your username is stosmyk2 now, but everything else is the same. You should be able to log in now and your website should start working within 2 hours.
  10. -rw-rw-r--. 1 sadeso1 sadeso1 1288 Jun 11 15:48 contact_me.php That is 664. It needs to be 644 like Wolstech already said.
  11. I don't know much about windows, but if you were using linux it would be easy enough. First install apache, and php. Those are easy. Then compile python with shared enabled. Next install mod_wsgi for apache using the shared libraries of the python and apxs for your apache. You'll probably need to install apache-devel package to get apxs. Then edit httpd.conf to set up the configuration for mod_wsgi to work. Then just pip install django. From there you can set up your django application the same as on the server. I don't have the slightest clue how you would do any of that on windows, nor would I even want to try. If you're asking because you want to test your django apps locally before you upload them you don't need to do any of the above. You don't even need apache. Just install python, and then pip install django. Then use your commandline to run django-admin startproject. That command creates a manage.py file that you can use to start a testing webserver. Just run python manage.py runserver, and then open in your browser to see your django app.
  12. There you go https://krydos1.heliohost.org/71/phpinfo.php
  13. Which version of php are you using?
  14. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should start working within 2 hours.
  15. Your account was archived because you haven't logged in for quite a while. We have a limited amount of space on our servers, and occasionally we have to remove the unused accounts to make space for new users. To prevent your account from becoming archived again please remember to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ at least once every 30 days. Unarchiving...
  16. No it has nothing to do with you or your .war file. The server was just being strange. I've tested it a dozen times since then using your same .war and a bunch of other .wars and it has worked every time since. Not sure what the deal was, but as long as it doesn't happen again no big deal I guess.
  17. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should start working within 2 hours.
  18. Your account was archived because you haven't logged in for quite a while. We have a limited amount of space on our servers, and occasionally we have to remove the unused accounts to make space for new users. To prevent your account from becoming archived again please remember to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ at least once every 30 days. Unarchiving...
  19. Krydos

    Johnny's Rebirth

  20. You request for java has been removed.
  21. The deployment got hung up because Tomcat was refusing to undeploy the previous .war. I've never seen it do that before. Thanks for reporting it.
  22. Krydos

    Double Storage

    You can post your email or you can pm it to me. If you choose to pm it please leave a message on this thread otherwise I'll never remember to check my pms.
  23. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should start working within 2 hours.
  24. There was a conflict with your username in the system. Your username is ofcourse2 now. Let us know if you need help with anything else.
  25. Your account was archived because you haven't logged in for quite a while. We have a limited amount of space on our servers, and occasionally we have to remove the unused accounts to make space for new users. To prevent your account from becoming archived again please remember to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ at least once every 30 days. Unarchiving...
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