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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Krydos

    Double Storage

    Does your account have 2000 MB now?
  2. Unfortunately your account was archived 2017-07-27 which was well before https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/31373-fundraiser-for-new-server/ The reason we did a fundraiser is to buy more storage space because we had run out completely and were being forced to delete old accounts to make space for new accounts. Your account was one that was deleted. Now that our GoFundMe was a success, we bought, and installed the hardware in our cabinet we no longer have to delete old accounts like this anymore so this shouldn't happen again. I have sent an invite to create a new account to your contact email address.
  3. I would start with something like https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload/wiki/Chunked-file-uploads
  4. There you go http://bzysharing.com/test.aspx
  5. TCP and UDP port 27015 has been opened on Tommy to, and those other listed ports have been closed. Do you still need port 27025 to open?
  6. You have to remove it from addon domains before you can add it as an alias.
  7. This thread was locked due to a lack of response from the user. I'm unlocking it and bumping it to give ioixd another chance to respond.
  8. I've already done quite a bit of research into railgun, and decided that the performance gains would not be worth the hassle of installing it. It also has the possibility of breaking a lot of stuff that we already have working on the server. If you really want to try it out I could probably install it on the new Johnny when I rebuild him.
  9. Just press F12, and go to the console tab. Each https request has a certain amount of overhead so you want to try to minimize the number of requests your browser needs to make to load the page. https://atoz.ml/assets/css/styles.css is relatively tiny so it would actually be beneficial to put the code straight into your .php file rather than forcing the browser to make two requests. One for the .php file, and then another for the .css file. You might want to also minimize the css code to reduce size, but since there is so little code there it probably won't make much of a difference. If you take a look at https://atoz.ml/assets/css/materialize.min.css however, it is quite large, and obviously not written by you. You can try inlining it if you want, but like the above quote says it will likely make your above-the-fold size too large to load quickly enough. This means you need to identify which rules in that css file are actually used above-the-fold, and probably just inline them. Then you can asynchronously load the rest of the .css that you need for the rest of the page. The point of all of the above is to get the portion of the page that is immediately visible when someone goes to your site to load as quickly as possible. Human reaction time is relatively slow so you can asynchronously continue loading the rest of the page that isn't immediately visible after the top part is done. Also, none of the above has anything to do with the server. This is all code changes that you need to make.
  10. Mixed Content: The page at 'https://atoz.ml/tools/source.php' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet 'http://atoz.ml/assets/css/styles.css'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS. source.php:1 Mixed Content: The page at 'https://atoz.ml/tools/source.php' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure favicon 'http://atoz.ml/assets/images/favicons/favicon.png'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS. source.php:1 Mixed Content: The page at 'https://atoz.ml/tools/source.php' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet 'http://atoz.ml/assets/css/styles.css'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS. You need to update your code to use https instead of http. Example: <link href="http://atoz.ml/assets/css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
  11. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should be working again.
  12. We just got a great new source for our wikipedia article! https://www.hostingadvice.com/blog/heliohost-provides-free-hosting-to-a-tight-knit-community/ This is exactly the sort of "independent reliable published secondary sources" that wikipedia is looking for.
  13. Krydos

    Johnny Backups

    That account was actually on Tommy. I checked the log files and it was deleted, presumably by you, sometime between 2018-07-18 and today.
  14. Krydos


    Please post the following information: Your cPanel usernameYour main domainThe server that you are onThe version of python
  15. Post the version of python you're using, and the module you need and an admin can install it for you.
  16. There you go http://jtali.heliohost.org/test.aspx
  17. There you go https://krydos.heliohost.org/72/phpinfo.php
  18. Your file has dos line endings, which usually means you created the file in windows and then uploaded it. You need to use an editor that understands and can write linux line endings before you upload it, or more easily just create the file through cpanel and copy/paste the code in.
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