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  1. I'm on Johnny. The website (https://orangeadex.heliohost.org) is loading almost like forever. What's happening? Sometimes it's working, sometimes it's not. This is trying my patience. I need to end a project in less than 7 days. What to do? Thank you.
  2. Hi everyone, Regarding the PostgreSQL database we can have on Johnny, two questions: Which size does it actually have? I can see 1,000 MB from my cPanel but I wonder if this is the actual size it has. If so, could it be extended in the future?How many concurrent connections does it support?Thanks in advance! Kind regards.
  3. Can we have Discord.py library on Johnny server so we can set up a discord bot. Thanks! https://pypi.org/project/discord.py/
  4. Hi. I'm bfpswrm on Johnny. After the new server was up I can't connect with the applications I've deployed. If I try to reach, for example, "http://bfpswrm.heliohost.org/coro12/" I get a blank page. CPanel says that a certificate has expired on February, but I was able to connect to the site till Johnny was moved. I don't think is a certificate problem, seems like it's related to the new Johnny... Can you help me? Thanks
  5. Hello I've finally been granted Java support on my account, and so today I tried to test out my website/game on it. I'm very new to websites, domains, etc. so my knowledge of all this is limited. That being said I've worked on my website/game for a while now, and I know it works as I have tested it on my computer. My game uses a websocket from the client side to connect to the Java websocket endpoint. I use: new WebSocket("ws://localhost:443/Hide/Server/ANY") ...on the client side to do this. "localhost" is used because this is being tested on Tomcat on the same computer; "443" because while I can set this to any number (which I have tested), it seems like the best port I could use for a non-secured connection; "Hide" is the project folder name; "Server/ANY" is the server endpoint. I've tested this many times and it works. Now to move the project/WAR file (WAR file is called "Hide-1.war") to HelioHost, I first changed the Websocket URL to: new WebSocket("ws://hhdavidh.heliohost.org/Hide/Server/ANY") I then uploaded the WAR file and deployed it. However, when I go to the URL where it's deployed at (http://hhdavidh.heliohost.org/Hide-1/) I get: WebSocket connection to 'ws://hhdavidh.heliohost.org/Hide/Server/ANY' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404 I've tried port "8080" as well as other port numbers. I've tried changing the websocket URL to: new WebSocket("ws://hhdavidh.heliohost.org/Hide-1/Server/ANY") new WebSocket("ws://hhdavidh.heliohost.org/Server/ANY") new WebSocket("ws://hhdavidh.heliohost.org:8080/Hide/Server/ANY") ... ...which all come up with the same error. When trying: new WebSocket("ws://hhdavidh.heliohost.org:443/Hide/Server/ANY") ...the error is instead: WebSocket connection to 'ws://hhdavidh.heliohost.org:443/Hide/Server/ANY' failed: Connection closed before receiving a handshake response I've tried everything I can think of but now I'm stuck. Any help is appreciated!
  6. Hi guys, i have some problem with SMTP setting on johnny server. I am hosting my domain devansab.com at infinityfree.net and i have set my MX record to johnny.heliohost.org. I am facing some problem with this, when i setup my email in Gmail app then all works fine, but if i use any other mobile app (Blue mail) or use it on my wordpress with same settings then it did not connect to server. I am using these settings Email : my email created in heliohost account Passowrd: correct password IMAP:: Server: johnny.heliohost.org Port 993 Security SSL/TSL Thankyou.
  7. Is Johnny Down? I was transfered to that after Tommy went down, but it is not loading today. pcbsunbirdcondo.com Also, I can lo into my cpanel update, now cpanel is slow to load
  8. Good night, i'm a question: Is Johnny Server down? I'm not login to the server in the 7-7:30 PM (Bogotá time), this login shows a 500 error. (Attached image) Thank you.
  9. Hi, I had a domain on Tommy until the driver problem. Since I am using both PHP and Java, I would like to re-create my domain on Johnny. Is that possible? I sent my donation back on 29-08-2017 (transaction number 2AR0995890673234R). Is that enough to have right now an account on Johhny or should I execute another donation? My user is: shuffly My domain is: shuffly-backend.heliohost.org Thanks for the support
  10. Getting this error while trying to login from PC. Once open but got the following error. PS. This the the temporary account I opened in Johnny.
  11. Hello ! I wondered if it was possible to install a Python lib for my project. I want to run a discord bot on my site (and if it works, the site itself will be dedicated to how to install/run/use the bot itself) coded in Python, but I need discord.py lib, as well as its dependancies. https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py Here is the link to the lib github. Note that they don't provide any other install solution than using pip (which would require SSH, and it's not available for me). They also require some packages from repos : Please note that on Linux installing voice you must install the following packages via your favourite package manager (e.g. apt, yum, etc) before running the above commands: libffi-dev (or libffi-devel on some systems) python-dev (e.g. python3.6-dev for Python 3.6)Is it possible to install these ? I'll work later on some scripts to start/stop the bot without using SSH. Thanks in advance, Querby
  12. Hello, I have created a johnny server, and have requested java access. The estimated date of access is the 17th of March and was wondering if there is a way to get access to this service quicker. Thanks, Emer
  13. Hello, I would like to know if there is a way to stop a python script running in cgi-bin, since I don't have access to the shell I don't find a way to do it. Thanks in advance. username:sebas server:johnny python3.6
  14. Hi. Any news about Johnny? Site is still unreachable... Thanks
  15. I wanted to ask the staff of Helionet if in the coming days, next weeks or even months will restart the server Johnny or the server will be permanently discontinued and then it is better to go directly to the server tommy.I ask because if you have to wait even a few months I can wait, it is not a problem, but it is clear that if that server will be permanently deactivated it is useless to have an account present and then proceed to change server.Thanks in advance!
  16. Hello, I have set the nameservers of a freenom domain to heliohost nameservers. I added it in "Addon Domain" section, and I have uploaded a blank index.html. It's been more than 24hrs since then and nothing is working. The domain is: chucachan.ga I have to specify that neither subdomains like myfirstwordpress.heliohost.org are working either. Server: Johnny I am setting all this for a friend, who recently joined the community on Johnny server. After re-reading this I realized that it looks like it's been written by someone while have a stroke or something. Sorry if I don't really make much sense, I'm really tired atm. Cheers.
  17. Hello, I had my Johnny account reactivated a few months ago and at the time I was able to re-upload all of my data. A few weeks ago I tried to sign into https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/ with my login and password, but the page never loads. I'm able to sign in through the main website and am taken to the HelioHost Tools page ( https://www.heliohost.org/login/ ), however clicking on Continue to cPanel takes me to the never-loading page. I see that Johnny is listed as being down at the moment and I just wanted to make certain that my account wouldn't be suspended for inactivity again. Account is tpltrl. Cheers and thank you, Kurt
  18. Hello! I made an account on Johnny, but I would now like it deleted because I made a new account on Tommy. Also, on the new Tommy account, can you enable the newest release of ASP.NET?
  19. Dear admins, Can my account,rmurthy, on Johnny be cleaned up so that I can create another account with the same email account and sub-domain(pusuluri)? I also have a domain pusuluri.info.tm that needs to be cleaned-up, just in case it has to be done manually. Thank You.
  20. Dear admin, please delete my Johnny account "pdfx". I can't add "soda.tk" domain on Ricky. Thank you.
  21. Hi. I have an account on johnny, named "bfpsw". I want to sign up to another server, but I have to use the same e-mail address. Please could you delete my Johnny account? Thanks
  22. Hi all. I wonder what should happen to accounts that cannot login to Johnny and overcome the maximum period of inactivity: would they be suspended? Or, worse yet, owners will need to request the creation of a new account? Stating the time needed to have Java enabled, it could be painful... Thanks
  23. Hi there, thanks for this awesome free hosting organisation! I'd like to move my account "Berny23" from Johnny to Tommy for faster connections. (Of course I donated 10.00 Euro to admin@heliohost.org using Skrill: 2360893322) Thank you!
  24. Hello Helioids! Just found this service and started poking around. I'm glad HelioHost exists! Determining without command line access which python packages are available was a bit tricky. I'm documenting a solution here so it will show up for others in search. The following script is tested as working on server Johnny, under Python 3.6. Upload it to, for example, /home/USERNAME/public_html/cgi-bin/SCRIPTNAME.py. Don't forget to make it executable (chmod 755 SCRIPTNAME.py). Sending a request to that file from your browser, for example by visiting YOURSUBDOMAIN.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/SCRIPTNAME.py, will return installed module details wrapped in html that should be good enough for your browser to parse. Hope someone else finds this helpful! #!/usr/bin/python3.6 import sys import pip version = sys.version modules = pip.get_installed_distributions() print("Content-type: text/html\n\n", "Python ", version, "<br><br>") for mod in sorted(modules, key=lambda mod: mod.key): try: deets = next(pip.commands.show.search_packages_info([mod.key])) print(deets["name"], "<br>") print(deets["version"], "<br>") print(deets["summary"], "<br>") print(deets["author"], "<br>") print(deets["author-email"], "<br>") print(deets["home-page"], "<br><br>") except: print("<p>", mod.key, "</p>")
  25. hii I need help to deploy my war file onto my account Please help me asap. Thank you My Details: Username : rajbits Server : johnny War file Name : ShopperSquare.war Thank you again
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