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Everything posted by miwilc

  1. I believe this that been requested before cPanel supported MariaDB, but since now the support is added it may be advisable to upgrade to MariaDB, Debian has already begun installing MariaDB by default. cPanel doc Link: https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/ALD/MySQL+or+MariaDB+Upgrade It would probably be best to upgrade the production servers first.
  2. @Krydos LE provides a form if we want a increased rate limit: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfg56b_wLmUN7n-WWhbwReE11YoHXs_fpJyZcEjDaR69Q-kJQ/viewform?c=0&w=1 Referenced in https://letsencrypt.org/docs/rate-limits/ Extract from the form: "Let's Encrypt is running a trial for accepting rate limit adjustment requests from entities hosting large numbers of domains. Specifically, we are accepting applications from entities with the following needs: 1) Certificates for more than 500 subdomains of a particular domain. "
  3. @xsirk Check your configuration, the error says that your trying to login as root. Are you sure you checked your script off any references to root?
  4. Hello, I would like the staff to install the DBD::mysql perl module for me, this is showing as "not found" in the cPanel perl installer It the script is located at http://forum.miwilc.me/install.pl It is giving an error when I execute it from the web: "DBD::mysql module not available." According to the docs the file should be executed from the command line http://forum.miwilc.me/mwforum-2.29.7/doc/Install.html Any help is appreciated.
  5. I find the 1G (1,000MB) limit quite fair, to be honest. Do you mind if I ask why you need more than that? Because most scripts (with databases) are ~50-100MB per site
  6. Upon reading https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/29023-http2/?do=findComment&comment=132138 It seems to indicate that AutoSSL is enabled but I don't see AutoSSL anywhere in the cPanel, and the certs assigned now are self signed. My (addon-)domain if you want to check: miwilc.me
  7. Also to add: we should probably disable AutoSSL on the testing servers because everyone seems to be using it for testing
  8. I have a separate account which I have registered for Tommy please do some forum magic and change my date registered to this ones it would like appreciated My new account is: miwilc
  9. I do realize that this is suggested before, but please do read on. According to the official docs: "most hosting providers dont need rate limit increases, because theres no limit on the number of distinct registered domains for which you can issue. So long as most of your customers dont have more than 2,000 subdomains on a registered domain, you most likely do not need an increase. See our Integration Guide for more advice." This means that our own/registered domains is not a concern of AutoSSL and is allowed, but since we provide free subdomains I think we are qualified to request a higher rate limit: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfg56b_wLmUN7n-WWhbwReE11YoHXs_fpJyZcEjDaR69Q-kJQ/viewform?c=0&w=1 I suspect that we should be able to get a higher rate limit.
  10. I was interested in getting a account on Tommy by donating, how do I get a account? And any particular price to donate? Oh, I found the page I was looking for: https://www.heliohost.org/tommy/ This should be advised more
  11. I hoping for early/mid-January so fingers crossed I understand that the admin team has to physically repair Stevie with a new hard drive. Also. Any idea why the data got corrupted?
  12. Dear helio host staff, I have been a user of Stevie for about a year or so now and I appreciate the efforts made by everyone here. Can I get an estimate when Stevie will be back online? Kind Regards.
  13. yeah the parked domain works fine. and i looked up the freenom domain stability , 2.3/5 ha. so looks like i dont need the main domain change thanks.
  14. Hello, I would like to change my main domain info: - My current domain -http://axia.heliohost.org - My new domain -http://axia.gq - Your cPanel username - mw It is a parked domain, thanks.
  15. While installing owncloud from softaculous...(Steve server) The following errors were found : The PHP Version is less than the required 5.4+ :tick: Continue anyway ? (Might not work due to PHP version compatibility.) Then The following errors were found : Required PHP version greater than equal to 5.4.0 AND found version is : 5.3.8 Can I request that small update? Thanks.
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