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Everything posted by Luigi123

  1. Haha! There’s a problem: unisanscacchi.heliohost.org already exists. You must remove this DNS entry from all servers in the DNS cluster to proceed. Our root admin will need to remove that domain and then it will work. If you need to temporary renamed your forum account, let us know.
  2. Do you have your PayPal transaction ID with you? Or you could provide us your GoFundme email.
  3. Moved to Customer Service.
  4. See I knew it! Now that was problem why it didn’t created. It’s your forum name that needs to renamed.
  5. Wait I know why. Your current forum name need it to renamed. Silly me. That’s why you couldn’t signup.
  6. Unmarking this solved as it shouldn’t be there yet.
  7. Gone. Try it now.
  8. Do you have your backup files with you?
  9. Alright, I don’t see it anymore. I’ll let our Root Admin figure this out. Sorry, ran out ideas.
  10. @robev: I see your account in our system. I’ll try to change it when it’s done creating it.
  11. Yes you can! When our Root Admin verifies your transaction ID and founds it, you will get an invitation sent to your email in no time.
  12. @robev: I’m going to send you an invitation one more time and this time, you have to choose a different username and email. Later once it’s done create it, let us know and we will try to see if we can change your username and email to same as your Tommy account.
  13. @snown: We did change his old Tommy account username and when he tries again, he got that message. Even I already deleted his old Tommy account.
  14. Deleted and resend you an invitation to your email again.
  15. Alright perfect! When a Root Admin sees this and verifies your donation, you get double storage in no time.
  16. It’s kinda weird why that message is showing up. Do you have your backup files with you? Because I’m gonna try to delete your old Tommy account and see if that works.
  17. Thanks for letting us know about it! Did you make a donation with us before?
  18. What is your new username. I will check to see if it’s in our system.
  19. Whoo hoo! Finally it works! It was just Ricky Server load.
  20. Sent. Let us know if it works.
  21. PM me your email address and I will resend you an invitation so you signup again.
  22. It’s not your fault for making Ricky Server high load. All of our users from Tommy are moving to Ricky and restoring backup files, MySQL databases, etc.
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