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Everything posted by jje

  1. You can only have your site warning-free if you use a proper certificate (eg. Verisign). You will get warnings if you are using a self-signed certificate (with you are using now). Unfortunately, I don't think there is any way to stop the warnings popping up. Self-Signed certificates are usually used to test websites. Most public websites use proper ones.
  2. You can login from the HelioHost homepage or from http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082 . After creating the index.html file OR index.php OR index.htm in the public_html directory , you can use cPanel's built in WYSIWYG editor or Code editor. If you use a website making application on your computer to make your websites, then you can use FTP to upload your website to the public_html directory. You could even use a CMS, Forum, etc to manage your site. Click on the Softaculous button in your cPanel. Note: Deleted double post
  3. I'm moving this topic to the 'Website Management and Coding' forum, as this question has nothing to do with HelioHost's services.
  4. Looks like Radiant is incompatible with the version of Ruby/Red Cloth that we are using. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  5. Askeet requires ASP.NET to work. It is always really complex, like Geoff said. I'll experiment with Questions2Answer. I have posted a link to my site and a username/password in the Moderator Discussion Forum for you guys to look at. EDIT: Oops, didn't notice your demo site, Geoff.
  6. This issue has already been identified, escalated, and possibly resolved. Please take a look at this thread: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?sh...c=8111&st=0 The server load is in my signature.
  7. There isn't an ETA at the moment. The previous ETA was January, but it seems that it's taking longer to setup. I'm sure djbob will have it setup soon. You have to remember that everyone helping out with Charlie and HelioHost are volenteers, and they have other personal stuff to do aswell. Please be patient. If we have an ETA we will let you know.
  8. Sorry for any inconvenience. We do have support for many other languages though.
  9. HelioHost no longer offers ASP.NET as it was causing problems with the server. However, when our new server, Charlie, is up and running, it might be enabled again. Please read the Commonly Asked Questions topic on the Questions forum before posting. Sorry for any inconvenience.
  10. I'm not working on my site anymore, as Askeet or StackExchange would be better, easier. I have also thought of an alternative for my own site. We could start using Askeet, and then when StackExchange gets enough commitments, switch to StackExchange. However, I feel that to get StackExchange up and running, we need to promote it even more. For example, when somebody receives help, we could ask them commit to StackExchange in return. We could also implement a message to the signup form asking people to commit to the StackExchange. I hope HelioHost will have an awesome Q&A system, whether it's Askeet or StackExchange.
  11. Your welcome! I hope you have a pleasant experience with HelioHost! HelioHost are trying to get a better support system. You can help us by committing to our Stack Exchange site. Please commit so we can get a much better support system: http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/18110/heliohost -Thank you
  12. What is your domain name? Please go to http://whatismyipaddress.com/ and take a look at what your IP address is. Are the numbers shown
  13. I thought the hostname was ftp.mysite.heliohost.org ? I guess either one works. When an error occurs, a file called 'error_log' is created in the directory of the file in which the error occurred.
  14. I doubt that you will be able to run shell scripts due to security reasons.
  15. Clear your internet cache. If that doesn't work, then please wait up to 24 hours for your account to become active. If you have already waited 24 hours, then please post your domain and username.
  16. You need to go into 'MySQL Database' section of cPanel and 1. Create a database 2. Create a user 3. Assign that user to the database with the correct privledges. Below are some examples of what you would use in your setup: Host: localhost User: jje_user Pass: pass123 Database: jje_db Also, when you are posting, please remember to use correct spelling and grammar.
  17. Please don't bump threads - it doesn't help you get your answer faster. Yes, sites can be hosted by anybody in any language. However, if you are Chinese and you are experiencing problems, please post here: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=8174
  18. Ok - I've found the problem. There's no need to renew your account. Instead, you need to login to cPanel (this will keep your account active for the next 30 days).
  19. Sorry about my previous post. I've just realized your account is still active. What username do you use to login to cPanel?
  20. Sorry, that message means that your account has already been deleted. Please remember to login to a .PHP or .PHPCP file in cPanel at least ONCE every 30 days. Please feel free to create a new account. If you haven't got a backup then you can use Google's Cache to recover as much as possible: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/sear...w.google.co.uk) Sorry for any inconvenience.
  21. I've just looked further into Askeet. It looks great and easy, except... - The rounded corners don't show properly. - Not sure how we should copy from the SVN repository? Thanks I'm going to edit this post to show the progress with this project: √ Homepage Visuals √ Setup MySQL databases √ List of questions √ View question Visuals √ New question Visuals -- New question code -- View question code X Create login system X Create search X Final debug Last updated: 30th January 2011
  22. Looks good - could take a week or two. Still, I'm continuing with developing a PHP Q&A site. I've just finished the web design for the view question page and other pages. Attached is a pic.
  23. If the database is being accessed from a file stored on HelioHost, then it is 'localhost'.
  24. It's okay if you don't want to use it - I'm probably going to use it on my own website. I might even upload it to SourceForge or Github.
  25. Are you @hotmail? If so, then Hotmail blocks HelioHost's emails.
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