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Everything posted by jje

  1. jje

    Signup Issues

    The signup script is likely to have been temporarily paused due to the current technical difficulties. Sorry about this.
  2. Your welcome. We've tried to do as much as we can, but none of the scripts we have tried have worked. We are waiting on djbob now.
  3. A couple of months. Sorry about this. We're trying our best to fix this as fast as we can.
  4. Thanks. This problem shouldn't occur again when Johnny is up and running. Stevie is currently going through all websites to get them back up again. UPDATE: I've lost connection with Stevie - there's a 50-50 chance that my script is going to completely run. Please bear with us in this rare situation. UPDATE: Doesn't look like my script is running anymore. I'm not in the place for running the script again - we'll try and get this matter sorted as fast as we can.
  5. Your welcome. We are currently experiencing some technical difficulties. More information available here: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=8606
  6. Sorry for this. I've just run the script which should sort things out - it'll take a couple of hours. After the big purge of accounts is complete, this shouldn't occur again.
  7. You can start upload now - just login to cPanel from the bottom of the HelioHost.org homepage. However, anything you upload will only be publicly visible after 24 hours (as your account isn't 100% active yet). Your welcome.
  8. Less than 24 hours. You should be able to login now.
  9. It depends on the method of transfer, as well as the user's browser settings. The cPanel File Manager usually has a slight delay of 5 minutes - during those 5 minutes it usually shows 500 Internal Server Errors to anyone accessing the page. FTP or Web Disk is the best way to upload and update pages quickly. Also, the user's browser may cache some pages for quick loading. You can prevent this by adding this to your HTML code, between <head> and </head>: <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="CACHE-CONTROL" CONTENT="NO-CACHE">
  10. Your welcome! Let me know if you have any further questions.
  11. At the moment, Johnny is not ready for any websites to be hosted on it. When Johnny is setup, we will open signups to him which will balance Server Load, reducing the chance of 500 Internal Server Error. At the moment, we have no intention of moving any current accounts to Johnny anyway. However, this intention may change in the future. 500 Internal Server Errors are usually caused by High Server Load. Please take a look at Stevie's Current Server Load in my signature.
  12. jje

    about domain

    Glad your problem got solved.
  13. Glad your problem got solved.
  14. @ehsan70 Your main domain is already set to biatu.ir?
  15. Oops my bad. http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/renew.php
  16. We recommend you login through the HelioHost homepage. This will guarentee your login being counted. Please could you reactivate your account using the below script: http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/renew.php
  17. Bookmarks that link directly to the file manager do not count your activity. Please do not use bookmarks to access cPanel.
  18. Aswenger, I have marked you as unsuspended. EDIT: just seen your post - thanks, djbob!
  19. Glad your problem got solved.
  20. Your account was suspended due to inactivity. I've marked your account as active so you should be good for another month . This issue has been identified and escalated: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?sh...45&start=45
  21. jje

    Mail server

    Glad your problem got solved.
  22. Thanks for the PM. The link you PM'ed me seems fine... The WordPress files in your other directory seem to be incorrectly configured. Have you followed the Official WordPress 5 Minute Install guide? Maybe you could start a fresh install? Check the .htaccess file is correctly configures?
  23. Only add your addon domain again when the server load is below 7.00 .
  24. Web Disk is just the same - just drag and drop. Ajaxplorer is very similar - just click 'Upload' then drag and drop. I am not aware of an IRC channel.
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