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Everything posted by jje

  1. Type in a percent symbol (%).
  2. Looks like you're on Johnny - I don't have access to Johnny, just Stevie. I'll ask djbob if he'll fix your issue.
  3. On the cPanel homepage (straight after you login), click on 'Remote SQL'. In the box provided, enter *
  4. Let me know how you get on.
  5. @djbob - He's on Johnny, did you disable Brute Force Protection for him?
  6. Stevie's time is 6 minutes slow.
  7. What URL are you using to login? Are you sure you are using the correct password?
  8. Pinning, as this topic is useful.
  9. Your government is blocking you from accessing your website. I am sending this topic to the main admin. Would you be willing to pay $12 for users to be able to access your site from China?
  10. Thanks djbob. @arfath Could you follow the instructions on the pinned 'Requests for ASP.NET, Java/JSP and Ruby on Rails'.
  11. Oops - sorry. I only just logged in and I didn't see what you posted on the Mod Discussion until escalating this.
  12. Sorry, I think you have misunderstood. My question was, could we allow people to move to Johnny (using the current system) even though they don't use dangerous services like ASP.NET Lemme know if I'm the one misunderstanding.
  13. Actually, I escalated this because this downtime has been occuring alot recently.
  14. Yes, Stevie has gone down as he is currently overloaded. Check again later.
  15. Stevie is down - that's why it's showing 404. Umm... you haven't posted about this before - what are you actually intending to do...?
  16. jje


    Moving to Questions
  17. Sorry about this. Stevie has a green tick because he is showing 'HELIOHOST ACCOUNT QUEUED', which the script recognises as 'online'.
  18. Sorry, it's one of those things we can't change without upsetting everything else. This issue has been identified and escalated: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=8606
  19. Somebody renamed my pinned topic in Customer Service to 'Requests for ... Ruby on Rails'. Wasn't me
  20. Hmmm.... This support request is being escalated to our root admin. @djbob - Shall we move people who don't use Java or ASP.NET to Johnny?
  21. Try using a user called something other than 'root'. For example: jje_user
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