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Everything posted by jje

  1. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  2. All sites hosted on HelioHost which do not use SSL are on one IP address. However, SSL cannot act on multiple websites on one IP address, therefore websites which wish to use SSL require a unique IP address, known as a Dedicated IP. An example of an IP address is 12.34.567.89 . Although we are running short on Dedicated IPs - let's see what djbob has to say...
  3. For remote communication, you need to setup 'Remote SQL' within cPanel, and then you need to use 'stevie.heliohost.org' as the host name.
  4. Glad you appreciate our service. Unfortunately, Stevie is currently down as he is being overloaded by abuse to the server. We are doing our best to get Stevie back up. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
  5. If you navigate to your site and it doesn't show 'HELIOHOST ACCOUNT SUSPENDED' then you're ok.
  6. We are aware of the issue and trying to fix it - please bare with us in this rare situation. Stevie has become overloaded, and has shut down temporarily. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
  7. We are aware of the issue and are trying to fix it. Please bare with us in this rare situation. Stevie's Server Load has become extremely high, and he has temporarily shut down.
  8. Stevie has shut down due to High Server Load. We are attempting to get him back online ASAP.
  9. This support request is being escalated to our root admin. @djbob - This error has been VERY frequent over the past week.
  10. Yes, sorry about these downtimes. We try to do our best to fix these issues, and these downtimes are NOT normal. Stevie shows this error when he is overloaded (his Server Load reaches above 200.00). Sometimes Stevie fixes it himself when the server load decreases enough for him to start up again, but sometimes he is unable to do so. Therefore, an admin has to run a command which will start a very long process which takes a few hours.
  11. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  12. No. It's so Stevie doesn't get overloaded.
  13. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  14. Glad your problem got solved.
  15. Johnny offers ASP.NET and JSP and JAVA to it's customers. Stevie does not, but offers a much more stable service. Would you like me to delete your Johnny account? You are not permitted to take control of more than one account.
  16. Glad your problem got solved. @djbob : We seem to be getting alot of Dedicated IP requests - do you think we need a thread?
  17. Yes. All websites who don't use SSL are on one IP, while any sites who are using SSL are on another.
  18. This support request is being escalated to our root admin. All websites which don't use SSL are under 1 IP Address. However, if your site uses SSL, your website needs to have a unique IP address.
  19. Could you follow the steps I have listed above please? Thanks.
  20. 1) Make a backup of all your files, ready for restoring (as your current account will be deleted). 2) Download this file and upload it to /public_html : http://heliohost.uni.cc/remove_site.txt 3) Rename the file to 'remove_site.php' and then navigate to the file in your web browser (eg. yoursite.com/remove_site.php) 4) Post a reply to this pinned topic, which includes your domain and cPanel username. 5) An administrator will reply, telling you that your account has been deleted and to wait 24 hours. 6) Signup to HelioHost again through HelioHost.org. Make sure you choose the server you desire. 7) Wait for approximately 48 hours for your new account to become active. 8) Restore your backups. Just to confirm, do you wish to move from Johnny to Stevie?
  21. jje

    about domain

    Your welcome! Glad your problem got solved.
  22. If you like, I will delete your account on Johnny so you can resign up to Stevie. Would you like me to do this?
  23. jje

    about domain

    Yes, the HelioHost homepage is at http://www.heliohost.org/home . What username are you using to login?
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