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Posts posted by jje

  1. I am slightly confused over your question. Would you like to connect to the database from your computer, or from wein.heliohost.org?


    If you wish to connect from your own computer, then go into 'Remote SQL' in cPanel and put a * or % in the box. Then use one of the below hosts, depending on which server you are on:

    host: stevie.heliohost.org

    host: johnny.heliohost.org


    If you wish to connect from our server, then enter:

    host: localhost

    This is because that you will be connecting from the server, and from the the servers point of view, the MySQL engine is on the same server, so localhost will do fine.

  2. Okay, here's what's happening:


    1. Somebody hacked Johnny and made all websites redirect to his website.

    2. I suspended the website that everybody was redirected to.

    3. All sites are now redirecting to that person's website, which is redirecting to the suspended page. We're waiting for djbob to sort out the problem.

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