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Posts posted by jje

  1. The account 'darshan' was experiencing a weird database error, and has been fixed now. The account is currently in a working condition and the site is loading perfectly (please clear your cache if you still cannot see your site). :)


    Also, Guests are supposed to post here. I must have made a permission error when I created this subforum. I have fixed this problem, please can you signup to HelioNet to post anything else. ;)

  2. If you are experiencing a false suspension then please post in this new subforum and follow the following instructions:


    1) Name the topic 'False Suspension: hh_username'. Replace hh_username with your account's username

    2) In the message field, include your

    --) HelioHost username (again)

    --) HelioHost main domain name

    --) HelioHost account server

    --) The appropriate scenario described on the first post.


    Because of this subforum, this topic is now closed. Please create a new topic in this new subforum from now on. ;)

  3. I just want to make a few things clear. I believe we have mentioned this to you many times before, you're just not paying attention.


    1) You are a free user, not a paid customer, therefore you have no right to complain since you are not paying anything and djbob has spent lots of money in making HelioHost a success. You are lucky that this service actually exists, because djbob doesn't have to offer free hosting and spend months to create and setup the free hosting. djbob pays a few hundred dollars every year to keep this service alive, yet he hasn't asked for anything in return.


    2) HelioHost is a free host, and one of the best free hosting services on the internet. You can expect this kind of service from free hosts, and I seriously doubt you will find any free hosts that even compare to HelioHost. According to the Free Hosting website, HelioHost is the best free host with top marks (125/125), so you will not find a better free host.


    3) We have constantly told you to do the same thing, which isn't hard: Wait 48 hours. I'm not sure how many more times I can say it. Wait 24 hours. Domains on every site take 24 hours to be setup, and the script needs an extra 24 hours since it has to juggle 16,000 accounts constantly and it can take a few hours to get to yours. Just be patient; it isn't that hard.


    4) As cl58 said, you are exaggerating when you say that by a massive significant scale. Actually HelioHost is online for approximately 23 hours per day, calculated using percentages and general uptime.


    I know in my above post I may have come across a bit rude, and I apologise for that, but I don't think you realize that you are not the only user on HelioHost, and I didn't think you realized the effort djbob is making with this organization, and that you are using a free host and have to be patient. Thank you.

  4. By signing up with HelioHost for any service, you agree to the following:

    - We will not be held responsible for loss of content, revenue, or traffic in the event of a systems failure.


  5. Yes, HelioHost used to have 'Helions', which were like bonus points for users. However, these points could be used to increase limitations, although we have already made bandwidth, databases, domains (etc) unlimited so there was really no point for Helions to continue. ;)

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