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Posts posted by jje

  1. Johnny has been down longer than usual and we are looking into the cause of the issue. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. During the time that Johnny is down, all websites will be either unavailable or return a 505 Internal Server Error.


    This support request has been escalated to our root administrator, and discussion and updates will be posted in this topic:



    Please refrain from making new topics about inaccessible websites on Johnny, as there is nothing more the Support Admins can do, and we will just point you to the above thread.

    Please use the above topic to discuss the matter.

    Because of the above topic, this News topic is closed.


    Thank you for your cooperation. :)

  2. This may be something else than usually. But I may be wrong, of course.

    FTP and cPanel is accessible, only HTTP on port 80 is not. cPanel reports practically no server load, but memory usage is surprisingly high (especially swap) as for the server that do almost nothing.



    Additionally - which for me is the main factor that it's something different this time, but I may be wrong, of course - the nameserver (located physically on the same server) has stopped to respond for DNS queries on the IP, the one assigned to ns1 subdomain. It does respond on .132, on .133, it does respond on .134, so it works, but does not respond on .131 IP.

    Not the nameserver on .131 thing, but maybe it's completely separate problem accidentally started almost at the same time, little bit after Johnny started being inaccessible.


    To be honest, I really have no idea what you just said!! :lol: :wacko:

  3. Hello,


    Following on from what cl58tools said, feel free to create a new HelioHost account.


    Please can you confirm that you wish to delete your forum account. This will NOT delete your posts however, but I can manually delete your posts if you want. Or, I could just delete your posts and leave your account active. Which would you prefer?


    Yours sincerely,

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