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Posts posted by jje

  1. Stevie is not currently taking signups for an unknown reason and we apologise for any inconvenience. The support request has been escalated and will be dealt with by djbob in this thread:




    The error that is occurring involves a successful signup but then is followed by an error message with, in fact, no error recorded.


    We will let you know in this thread and the thread I mentioned above when this issue has been resolved. Please keep all discussion in the above thread.


    Until then, all requests for signups to Stevie will fail. Johnny is not affected.



    Thank you,



  2. @Firefighter - Could you provide your details so I can investigate the email further (eg. username, domain, etc.)?


    @NeoSniperkiller - I am investigating your issue now, look in your topic.


    If after my investigations I discover this is a global problem, I will escalate this thread.

  3. This is strange. I can't find any conflict in the account database...


    I will try signing up for you. One moment please...


    EDIT: I have signed up that account, and put it at the front of the creation queue. I will let you know how it progresses.

    EDIT: Looks like it has failed again. I am now inputting a test account with my details in. I will escalate this if it fails.

  4. Ah okay. It's alright. ;)


    Should be fixed now. For your reference, if a topic is made invisible the first post in in a faint purple, then you can use 'Moderation Options' to make it visible. ;)

  5. Weird. Why was this topic unapproved? Approving...


    Why Is your app incompatible with the latest version of PHP? Is it because that the functions you want to use is deprecated? If so, then there are many alternatives available. Sorry for any inconvenience.

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