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Posts posted by jje

  1. hey, why i wasn't got suspended before ?
    You should have got suspended before and I am surprised that you didn't. You are suspended after 30 days of inactivity, and then your account is deleted after an additional 7 days. You should have had an email notification.


    i just login directly to ==>> https://softskill.tk:2083
    That link should work fine.


    Username = aamsur2

    server = stevie

    domain = softskill.tk

    There is now an account in the database for Johnny with the same IP address as yours. Look:

    Username: rafhanwe

    Domain: www.rafhan*****.co.cc

    Server: Johnny

  2. The username 'aamsur2' cannot be found in the database. It may have been deleted for inactivity; you need to login to cPanel every 30 days to keep your account alive. :(


    Since your account has been deleted, your domain is now showing the Queued page since it cannot find an account named 'aamsur2'.


    Feel free to create a new account. :)

  3. The below script will receive input from a form, check if the username is USER and password is PASS and then register the session. ;)


    I just quickly typed this into the reply box so I might have made a few typos, let me know if you get any errors. ;)


    Create a file named 'login.php' and paste in this code. Change the $username and $password variables.


    // Assign the correct username and passwords to variables
    $username = 'USER';
    $password = 'PASS';
    // Check if the form hasn't been submitted
    if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    // Display the form
    echo "<form method=post action=login.php>";
    echo "<p>Please authorize to view site.</p>";
    echo "Username: <input type=text name=username><br>";
    echo "Password: <input type=password name=password><br>";
    echo "<input type=submit name=submit>";
    echo "</form>";
    // Check if the form has been submitted
    // See if the username and passwords match
    if ($_POST['username'] == $username && $_POST['password'] == $password) {
    // If yes, start the session
    // Then create the session
    $_SESSION['username'] = $_POST['username'];
    // Redirect to the site homepage
    // If not
    // Die and show the error message
    die('Login details mismatched');
    // End of statement
    // End of statement


    Then, at the top of every page you wish to protect, enter:


    if ($_SESSION['username'] == NULL) {


    The above code activates the session and checks if a username has been registered. If it hasn't been registered, it redirects to login.php


    You can also make a nifty logout screen. Create a new file and enter


    echo "Logout Success!";


    Hope this helps! :D

  4. Create a file named '.htaccess' in the folder you wish to protect and paste the following code:

    AuthUserFile /home1/hacker/protected/.htpasswd
    AuthGroupFile /dev/null
    AuthName "A Restricted Area"
    AuthType Basic
    <Limit GET POST>
    require valid-user


    Create another file named '.htpasswd' in the folder you wish to protect and use this website to generate the contents:



    Don't use the cPanel Password Protect otherwise your work may be overwritten!



  5. On record you have been waiting 14 days for your account be deleted. Therefore, I am manually deleting your account. ;)


    UPDATE: Starting process, one moment please.

    UPDATE: ACP seems to be lagging, still working after a 60 second wait. Hang on...

    UPDATE: Okay, it's done!


    If you are signing up with the same Domain, please wait 24 hours.

    If not, go ahead and sign up for a new account.

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