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Posts posted by jje

  1. Yes, you could just use PHP or HTML to make the redirect. Create a file called index.html/index.php and paste in one of the following codes:




    <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=http://www.i7grendel.tk">

  2. On the other hand, intl is supported. I'll keep that one in mind for next time I recompile Apache.
    This support request is being escalated to our root admin.


    EDIT: Also just noticed, why is Roundcube disabled in cPanel? I don't usually use the one packaged by cPanel because it's usually horribly out of date but I'm still curious anyway.
    I think it was disabled to help with Stevie's Stability. Not sure though...
  3. I see your site fine, please clear your cache. ;)


    Also, the queued page answers your question:


    Ahoy! You're seeing this page because HelioHost has not gotten about to installing and configuring your account yet. This process usually takes 24 hours, and once it is complete your website should show up properly. While the account is being created we suggest taking a look at your control panel.

  4. This might be because you are behind a firewall that is blocking Port 2082.


    Are you under the cover of a firewall which blocks Port 2082? No problem - simply access through the standard port: Port 80. To do this, simply navigate to http://cpanel.yourdomain.com/ replacing yourdomain.com with your domain name. After providing a correct username and password, you should be able to access cPanel. However, DO NOT use this method if you are not using a firewall, as this method may not record your login attempts and you will suspended for inactivity (if you do not login through port 2082 for 30 days). So only use Port 80 when you need to.


    So, basically, try logging in via: cpanel.laevatienn.co.cc

  5. The problem that is occurring to Internet Explorer users (I used it for several years) is that they have no idea what they are missing out on, and how it seriously downgrades performance, quality, and speed. At the moment I have struggling with my website because Internet Explorer isn't understanding my CSS positioning making the website look all weird, and my website is dominated by IE users.


    Personally, I think Google Chrome should have the top spot.

    1st. Google Chrome

    2nd. Mozilla Firefox

    3rd. Apple Safari

    4th. Opera

    5th. Internet Explorer

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