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Everything posted by lappy512

  1. i thought you got $2-4 on the first few days alone?
  2. well he's not quite sure yet...
  3. lol i like htat idea.
  4. why would you need that since you don't have hosting yet?
  5. well of course, as i said we should have a backup forum for those times.
  6. it says divx is spyware: http://www.nanomessiah.com/dvd-backup/divx-spyware.html
  8. but lets say the entire helio network crashes. any of your sites are down. we need a alternate site at another server. This would be a good plan... and then there's the Hln to KP conversion plan.
  9. yeah, but if this site goes down for a extended period of time (a few hours) and you need to know where it went, we should have a forum that everyone should go to, to find out what happened.
  10. wow you are right: 120
  11. 745, 215, 55 minute periods, 5 mins between classes, and 30 min lunch
  12. sorry, my link wasn't evident. we had a flame war on why people hate ms. the link is: http://forums.krazyletter.com/index.php?showtopic=1224 i modified the first one too now.
  13. i would learn PHP, it's more robust and easy to learn than ASP. and you can use it on these servers, unlike ASP. PHP can be put on a server cheaper, and the servers that support ASP are more expensive. (they have to be windows to use ASP, Linux or Windows to use PHP)
  14. actually, that is untrue. you can have a startup screen like xp home, it's default to give you a login in a GUI now, and one of the profiles in SuSE has a startup screen like XP Home.
  15. he didn't make a link, it was for idiots to click on (no offense, how would you tell the difference without moving your mouse over it? and sometimes browsers dont' change the pointers once in a while) ( that means i clicked too)
  16. not xbl, since you have to pay. something else, but i am not sure what. if i find it i will post it. i think djbob knows though, or it was someone else who posted it on KL.
  17. this is what i recommend: have a backup forum http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=160
  18. i would do it if i had moderators previleges...
  19. you can point addon domains, as in: you have 123.com as your main domain. then you can point 1234.com to 123.com/1234, so that woiuld be like a entire new website. im not sure if i explained clearly...but you can have many completely different websites on the same account. you probably can get 2 accounts, as long as you pay for them...
  20. no problem. now if i only could close topics...
  21. divx has spyware, and i haven't seen much quality in divx. nvere heard of xvid, not WMA since that's a audio format, and not WMV in case that's what you meant, since WVM doesn't compress well. i sometimes use RealMedia, mostly for small videos, so i will vote for that.
  22. Since this forum has been sluggish, and etc, and some downtime, in case that this forum doesnt' work anymore, we should set up a emergency forum on a different server. for right now, i will say that all of you are welcome at http://forums.krazyletter.com/ until DJBOB designates another server. I will allow Krazy Points to be converted into helions, see http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=86
  23. 1. host 2. host 3. link please?
  24. ah, i have a 120mm fan at the back, which is very big and quiet. my gigabyte fan, when reved up to 4000rpm, is noisy. but the amount of air flowing out of it is comparable to a heating vent in a house. http://www.firingsquad.com/hardware/gigabyte_3d_cooler_pro/
  25. you should be fine just putting it on the main page. as for coppermine, i haven't used it before, but im sure you could comprimise.
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