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Everything posted by lappy512

  1. and the forum seems to be slow sometimes. (that is, compared to KL)
  2. i don't think so...but there is a way i heard of to connect your xbox to your computer, then your computer to the internet through some program, and you can play multiplayer halo just like your systemlink. perhaps djbob knows.
  3. yes, HT is very useful. i actually have a Gigabyte cooler for my pentium, it's really great and quiet. you can make it very noisy though, and then it has the power of your heating vent, that much power.
  4. yes, helions are like the equivalent of "money". if you pay $500 a month for hosting, and you have $200 left over, you can use those $200 next month. understand?
  5. this seems like copy and pasting, but i cannot find a anti-copy pasting thing in hte spam guide...djbob is copy-pasting spam?
  6. a MMORPG, or just a massive online game, would need Java. (Runescape uses java). Or, most 1 player games (like miniclip) are made with flash.
  7. edit+, or mozilla composer/Nvu
  8. yes you can, if you configure it as a "parked" domain in cPanel. Disclaimer: i am not a staff so i do not have complete authority on if this will happen, but in my expierence with webhosting yes you can.
  9. 111 wow you guys count fast
  10. i would use AVG/Avast instead of norton, but yeah, mostly open source is cool, but sometimes closed source is good om some cases. djbob and i had this flame war on why people hate ms. http://forums.krazyletter.com/index.php?showtopic=1224
  11. i use the original bittorrent on the bittorrent website.
  12. there was downtime again.
  13. nope, but check out the uptime of helionet's servers here: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=77
  14. but see, i check my PM's more than my emails, my PM box on Krazy Letter is my homepage.
  15. well, what do you think about this deal?
  16. roolbars? you mean toolbars? could you be more specific?
  17. it's actually easy to get around it, you have this switch that you mod into it, and when you turn it on, you can use the mod, turn it off, the mod is disabled, and you can play on XBL.
  18. but you can't use a G5 in a PC.
  19. see, the report button uses email, which is slower and less efficent than PM's, which are used in 2.0
  20. lappy512

    Ad Hosting!

    um...10 posts doesn't seem to be like 0 posts. no posts, whatever. If you need 10 posts, then you have to post
  21. http://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/0...tid=126&tid=218 take a look
  22. i just don't really have a preference. Both are good, although i like the HT features of Pentiums right now. but 64-bit AMD's are good, although the 6xx series of P4's that support 64-bit might be great too.
  23. 73 spam 3 posts in a row 100 points needs to be deducted.
  24. spam 25 points needs to be deducted. EDIT i mean 50, too used to KL.
  25. lappy512

    new service

    last update seems to be the "March 19, 2005". You submitted near the 6th
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