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Everything posted by lappy512

  1. yeah, post it on KL too.
  2. I thought ms switched to ATI after a while since nvida was too expensive...
  3. lol
  4. lappy512


    um...i have a proxy hosted here... you can buy the password in the IBStore. No more firewalls, you can bypass them now! Note: Although the Item says that the password will change every month, IT WILL NOT!!! I WILL INSURE IT WILL NOT!!! If it does, then i will be mad at DJBOB. A riddle for a free password: [djbob deleted this] NO FREE PWS TO TEH PROXY ON HN FORUMS!!
  5. lappy512


    not the title thing...
  6. nope. It doesn't work. Problem fixed, topic closed
  7. really? in IPB 2.0 it doesn't have this problem...DJBOB tried to spam http://forums.krazyletter.com/ 's free speech forum (which he stole the idea from), and it didn't give him points.
  8. lappy512


    yes like the things on http://forums.krazyletter.com/ Steal points, change your title, etc.
  9. but that's only if you post extra
  10. it shoudl have passed. What i do to get around it is to disable the forum first, then backup.
  11. lappy512

    Free Domains!

    or HelioHost.
  12. Problem STill not solved, topic opened!
  13. to make flash, you need flash . http://www.macromedia.com/
  14. ah. This is slow! 37.7113 seconds script execution time!
  15. yes, it's because you have the Admin Mask. We have the users mask.
  16. ah and the 4free network must be adware, it displays ads.
  17. it's not the brand, it's the camera itself that you want to look at.
  18. My task for you guys is to find something on http://forums.krazyletter.com/ to copy, since you guys have copied so much. So, find something else that you can copy from the Krazy Letter Forums. Hopefully, you guys will get IBStore, which will be copying us too.
  19. I can't upload to the temp upload folder!
  20. lappy512

    New skin!

    or say "new" and "old".
  21. it's not spyware.
  22. actually i have a Radeon 9600 without a fan
  23. any cards based on them, like ASUS's cards are basically based on ATI/Nvida's
  24. then in parenthesis you should say "any version"
  25. lappy512


    you don't need a dual xeon. I could run a fast IPB 1.3 on even a 20 MHz processor. The problem is that they are trying to cram thousands of users on one server. That's what makes it slow. They should only cram up to 50-100 users on this server, but they have more like 8,000. Which is even for the supercomputers.
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