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Everything posted by lappy512

  1. oh sorry, i got the two asteriks mixed up wiht the single asterisk. Are you guys using siteuptime? you should register with them now...
  2. thanks don't you think this article is funny that the writer who works for Microsoft uses/likes firefox?
  3. as i said, i can pay the helions if you wnat..
  4. , or whatever's beyond it, yes.
  5. what? how is that a violation of democracy? and also, i can pay with helions if you want me too...
  6. lappy512


    but it's a democracy! we should have a vote if I should be deranked! otherwise this isn't a democracy!
  7. oh, so that's why one of the cheats for AOM was "1337 SUPA H4X0R" leet super hacker
  8. I remember this game, it worked for me when you posted it on KL.
  9. so if you had a corporate budget, that might just work... uh oh, what if Microsoft is researching Nukes to nuke the U.S. Government and take over? jk.
  10. http://forums.krazyletter.com/index.php?ac...type=post&id=74 Find more like this on my website, http://forums.krazyletter.com/!
  11. I tried gamemaker, but it seems to simple and not complex, so i didn't like it. Most games featured were 2d, or not that great in 3d.
  12. http://slate.msn.com/id/2103152/ take a look! A MS guy is for Firefox!
  13. What is the thing with manipulated? what do you mean code can be manipulated? controlled? that also doesn't fit! It's more like: edited to suit the needs of a individual.
  14. Why can't i put ads on my website? (prx.heliohost.org) that would hurt your rating on free-webhosts
  15. Please see: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=49 at about the bottom section. AND DJBOB, you cannot take this off, this will be a violation of democracy.
  16. lappy512

    Free Domains!

    POP3 means that it's accessible through Mozilla Thunderbird with superior spam blocking things (a baysean filter, which learns what you consider spam, instead of blocking addresses), or Microsoft Outlook (a expensive piece of junk that can spread viruses easily) Note to DJBOB: sorry, i had to do that.
  17. but, if the brand is bad, wouldn't the camera be bad? so why do we analize the company?
  18. I put this in the order of posts, so vote!
  19. Why don't we have a spam week?
  20. But it's still possible to do it when your moderator, and I would consider that cheating; i revoked mod previleges for that on KL. Lets have a vote: should i tell everyone the URL to the free and no posts proxy? Also, i wasn't allowed to put ads on and your discription says you can put on your own ads. how deceptive!
  21. lappy512


    okay. anyways, there IS a free password somewhere that doesn't change. (hint)
  22. 1! YAY!!!! THE FIRST NUMBER! EDIT by djbob: only one number by a member at a time.
  23. moved back to games
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